.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-103309-1709741435: =================================================================== Feature: #103309 - Add more expression methods to ExpressionBuilder =================================================================== See :issue:`103309` Description =========== The TYPO3 :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\Expression\ExpressionBuilder` provides a relatively conservative set of database query expressions since a couple of TYPO3 and Doctrine DBAL versions now. Additional expression methods are now available to build more advanced database queries that ensure compatibility across supported database vendors. .. contents:: :local: :php:`ExpressionBuilder::as()` ------------------------------ Creates a statement to append a field alias to a value, identifier or sub-expression. .. note:: Some :php:`ExpressionBuilder` methods provides a argument to directly add the expression alias to reduce some nesting. This method can be used for custom expressions and avoids recurring conditional quoting and alias appending. .. code-block:: php :caption: Method signature /** * @param string $expression Value, identifier or expression which * should be aliased. * @param string $asIdentifier Used to add a field identifier alias * (`AS`) if non-empty string (optional). * * @return string Returns aliased expression. */ public function as( string $expression, string $asIdentifier = '', ): string {} // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connection; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('some_table'); $expressionBuilder = $queryBuilder->expr(); $queryBuilder->selectLiteral( $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('uid'), $expressionBuilder->as('(1 + 1 + 1)', 'calculated_field'), ); $queryBuilder->selectLiteral( $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('uid'), $expressionBuilder->as( $expressionBuilder->concat( $expressionBuilder->literal('1'), $expressionBuilder->literal(' '), $expressionBuilder->literal('1'), ), 'concatenated_value' ), ); :php:`ExpressionBuilder::concat()` ---------------------------------- Can be used to concatenate values, row field values or expression results into a single string value. .. note:: The created expression is built on the proper platform specific and preferred concatenation method, for example :sql:`string || string || string || ...` for SQLite and :sql:`CONCAT(...string)` for other database vendors. .. code-block:: php :caption: Method signature /** * @param string ...$parts Unquoted value or expression parts to * concatenate with each other * @return string Returns the concatenation expression compatible with * the database connection platform. */ public function concat(string ...$parts): string {} .. code-block:: php :caption: Usage example // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connection; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('pages'); $expressionBuilder = $queryBuilder->expr(); $result = $queryBuilder ->select('uid', 'pid', 'title') ->addSelectLiteral( $expressionBuilder->concat( $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('title'), $queryBuilder->quote(' - ['), $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('uid'), $queryBuilder->quote('|'), $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('pid'), $queryBuilder->quote(']'), ) . ' AS ' . $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('page_title_info') ) ->where( $expressionBuilder->eq( 'pid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(0, Connection::PARAM_INT) ), ) ->executeQuery(); while ($row = $result->fetchAssociative()) { // $row = array{ // 'uid' => 1, // 'pid' => 0, // 'title' => 'Site Root Page', // 'page_title_info' => 'Site Root Page - [1|0]', // } } .. warning:: Be aware to properly quote values, identifiers and sub-expressions. No automatic quoting will be applied. :php:`ExpressionBuilder::castVarchar()` --------------------------------------- Can be used to create an expression which converts a value, row field value or the result of an expression to varchar type with dynamic length. .. note:: Use the platform specific preferred way for casting to dynamic length character type, which means :sql:`CAST("value" AS VARCHAR())` or :sql:`CAST("value" AS CHAR())` is used, except PostgreSQL. For PostgreSQL the :sql:`"value"::INTEGER` cast notation is used. .. code-block:: php :caption: Method signature /** * @param string $value Unquoted value or expression, * which should be casted. * @param int $length Dynamic varchar field length. * @param string $asIdentifier Used to add a field identifier alias * (`AS`) if non-empty string (optional). * @return string Returns the cast expression compatible for the database platform. */ public function castVarchar( string $value, int $length = 255, string $asIdentifier = '', ): string {} .. code-block:: php :caption: Usage example // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('some_table'); $fieldVarcharCastExpression = $queryBuilder->expr()->castVarchar( $queryBuilder->quote('123'), // integer as string 255, // convert to varchar(255) field - dynamic length 'new_field_identifier', ); $fieldExpressionCastExpression = $queryBuilder->expr()->castVarchar( '(100 + 200)', // calculate a integer value 100, // dynamic varchar(100) field 'new_field_identifier', ); .. warning:: Be aware to properly quote values, identifiers and sub-expressions. No automatic quoting will be applied. :php:`ExpressionBuilder::castInt()` ----------------------------------- Can be used to create an expression which converts a value, row field value or the result of an expression to signed integer type. .. note:: Use the platform specific preferred way for casting to dynamic length character type, which means :sql:`CAST("value" AS INTEGER)` for most database vendors except PostgreSQL. For PostgreSQL the :sql:`"value"::INTEGER` cast notation is used. .. code-block:: php :caption: Method signature /** * @param string $value Quoted value or expression result which * should be casted to integer type. * @param string $asIdentifier Used to add a field identifier alias * (`AS`) if non-empty string (optional). * @return string Returns the integer cast expression compatible with the * connection database platform. */ public function castInt(string $value, string $asIdentifier = ''): string {} .. code-block:: php :caption: Usage example // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('pages'); $queryBuilder ->select('uid') ->from('pages'); // simple value (quoted) to be used as sub-expression $expression1 = $queryBuilder->expr()->castInt( $queryBuilder->quote('123'), ); // simple value (quoted) to return as select field $queryBuilder->addSelectLiteral( $queryBuilder->expr()->castInt( $queryBuilder->quote('123'), 'virtual_field', ), ); $expression3 = queryBuilder->expr()->castInt( $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('uid'), ); // expression to be used as sub-expression $expression4 = $queryBuilder->expr()->castInt( $queryBuilder->expr()->castVarchar('(1 * 10)'), ); // expression to return as select field $queryBuilder->addSelectLiteral( $queryBuilder->expr()->castInt( $queryBuilder->expr()->castVarchar('(1 * 10)'), 'virtual_field', ), ); .. warning:: Be aware to properly quote values, identifiers and sub-expressions. No automatic quoting will be applied. :php:`ExpressionBuilder::repeat()` ---------------------------------- Create a statement to generate a value repeating defined :php:`$value` for :php:`$numberOfRepeats` times. This method can be used to provide the repeat number as a sub-expression or calculation. .. note:: :sql:`REPEAT(string, number)` is used to build this expression for all database vendors except SQLite for which the compatible replacement construct expression :sql:`REPLACE(PRINTF('%.' || || 'c', '/'),'/', )` is used, based on :sql:`REPLACE()` and the built-in :sql:`printf()`. .. code-block:: php :caption: Method signature /** * @param int|string $numberOfRepeats Statement or value defining * how often the $value should * be repeated. Proper quoting * must be ensured. * @param string $value Value which should be repeated. * Proper quoting must be ensured. * @param string $asIdentifier Provide `AS` identifier if not * empty. * @return string Returns the platform compatible statement to create the * x-times repeated value. */ public function repeat( int|string $numberOfRepeats, string $value, string $asIdentifier = '', ): string {} .. code-block:: php :caption: Usage example // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('some_table'); $expression1 = $queryBuilder->expr()->repeat( 10, $queryBuilder->quote('.'), ); $expression2 = $queryBuilder->expr()->repeat( 20, $queryBuilder->quote('0'), $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('aliased_field'), ); $expression3 = $queryBuilder->expr()->repeat( 20, $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('table_field'), $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('aliased_field'), ); $expression4 = $queryBuilder->expr()->repeat( $queryBuilder->expr()->castInt( $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('repeat_count_field') ), $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('table_field'), $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('aliased_field'), ); $expression5 = $queryBuilder->expr()->repeat( '(7 + 3)', $queryBuilder->quote('.'), ); $expression6 = $queryBuilder->expr()->repeat( '(7 + 3)', $queryBuilder->concat( $queryBuilder->quote(''), $queryBuilder->quote('.'), $queryBuilder->quote(''), ), 'virtual_field_name', ); .. warning:: Be aware to properly quote values, identifiers and sub-expressions. No automatic quoting will be applied. :php:`ExpressionBuilder::space()` --------------------------------- Create statement containing :php:`$numberOfSpaces` spaces. .. note:: The :sql:`SPACE(number)` expression is used for MariaDB and MySQL and :php:`ExpressionBuilder::repeat()` expression as fallback for PostgreSQL and SQLite. .. code-block:: php :caption: Method signature /** * @param int|string $numberOfSpaces Expression or value defining how * many spaces should be created. * @param string $asIdentifier Provide result as identifier field * (AS), not added if empty string. * @return string Returns the platform compatible statement to create the * x-times repeated space(s). */ public function space( string $numberOfSpaces, string $asIdentifier = '', ): string {} .. code-block:: php :caption: Usage example // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('some_table'); $expression1 = $queryBuilder->expr()->space( '10' ); $expression2 = $queryBuilder->expr()->space( '20', $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('aliased_field'), ); $expression3 = $queryBuilder->expr()->space( '(210)' ); $expression3 = $queryBuilder->expr()->space( '(210)', $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('aliased_field'), ); $expression5 = $queryBuilder->expr()->space( $queryBuilder->expr()->castInt( $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('table_repeat_number_field'), ), ); $expression6 = $queryBuilder->expr()->space( $queryBuilder->expr()->castInt( $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('table_repeat_number_field'), ), $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('aliased_field'), ); .. warning:: Be aware to properly quote values, identifiers and sub-expressions. No automatic quoting will be applied. :php:`ExpressionBuilder::left()` -------------------------------- Extract :php:`$length` character of :php:`$value` from the left side. .. note:: Creates a :sql:`LEFT(string, number_of_chars)` expression for all supported database vendors except SQLite, where :sql:`substring(string, integer[, integer])` is used to provide a compatible expression. .. code-block:: php :caption: Method signature /** * @param int|string $length Integer value or expression * providing the length as integer. * @param string $value Value, identifier or expression * defining the value to extract from * the left. * @param string $asIdentifier Provide `AS` identifier if not empty. * @return string Return the expression to extract defined substring * from the right side. */ public function left( int|string $length, string $value, string $asIdentifier = '', ): string {} .. code-block:: php :caption: Usage example // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('some_table'); $expression1 = $queryBuilder->expr()->left( 6, $queryBuilder->quote('some-string'), ); $expression2 = $queryBuilder->expr()->left( '6', $queryBuilder->quote('some-string'), ); $expression3 = $queryBuilder->expr()->left( $queryBuilder->castInt('(23)'), $queryBuilder->quote('some-string'), ); $expression4 = $queryBuilder->expr()->left( $queryBuilder->castInt('(23)'), $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('table_field_name'), ); .. tip:: For other sub string operations, :php:`\Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform::getSubstringExpression()` can be used. Synopsis: :php:`getSubstringExpression(string $string, string $start, ?string $length = null): string`. :php:`ExpressionBuilder::right()` --------------------------------- Extract :php:`$length` character of :php:`$value` from the right side. .. note:: Creates a :sql:`RIGHT(string, number_of_chars)` expression for all supported database vendors except SQLite, where :sql:`substring(string, integer[, integer])` is used to provide a compatible expression. .. code-block:: php :caption: Method signature /** * @param int|string $length Integer value or expression * providing the length as integer. * @param string $value Value, identifier or expression * defining the value to extract from * the right. * @param string $asIdentifier Provide `AS` identifier if not empty. * * @return string Return the expression to extract defined substring * from the right side. */ public function right( int|string $length, string $value, string $asIdentifier = '', ): string {} .. code-block:: php :caption: Usage example // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('some_table'); $expression1 = $queryBuilder->expr()->right( 6, $queryBuilder->quote('some-string'), ); $expression2 = $queryBuilder->expr()->right( '6', $queryBuilder->quote('some-string'), ); $expression3 = $queryBuilder->expr()->right( $queryBuilder->castInt('(23)'), $queryBuilder->quote('some-string'), ); $expression4 = $queryBuilder->expr()->right( $queryBuilder->castInt('(23)'), $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('table_field_name'), ); .. warning:: Be aware to properly quote values, identifiers and sub-expressions. No automatic quoting will be applied. :php:`ExpressionBuilder::leftPad()` ----------------------------------- Left-pad the value or sub-expression result with $paddingValue, to a total length of $length. .. note:: SQLite does not support :sql:`LPAD(string, integer, string)`, therefore a more complex compatible replacement expression construct is created. .. code-block:: php :caption: Method signature /** * @param string $value Value, identifier or expression * defining the value which should * be left padded. * @param int|string $length Value, identifier or expression * defining the padding length to * fill up on the left or crop. * @param string $paddingValue Padding character used to fill * up if characters are missing on * the left side. * @param string $asIdentifier Used to add a field identifier alias * (`AS`) if non-empty string (optional). * @return string Returns database connection platform compatible * left-pad expression. */ public function leftPad( string $value, int|string $length, string $paddingValue, string $asIdentifier = '', ): string {} .. code-block:: php :caption: Usage example // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('some_table'); $expression1 = $queryBuilder->expr()->leftPad( $queryBuilder->quote('123'), 10, '0', ); $expression2 = $queryBuilder->expr()->leftPad( $queryBuilder->expr()->castVarchar($queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('uid')), 10, '0', ); $expression3 = $queryBuilder->expr()->leftPad( $queryBuilder->expr()->concat( $queryBuilder->quote('1'), $queryBuilder->quote('2'), $queryBuilder->quote('3'), ), 10, '0', ); $expression4 = $queryBuilder->expr()->leftPad( $queryBuilder->castVarchar('( 1123 )'), 10, '0', ); $expression5 = $queryBuilder->expr()->leftPad( $queryBuilder->castVarchar('( 1123 )'), 10, '0', 'virtual_field', ); .. warning:: Be aware to properly quote values, identifiers and sub-expressions. No automatic quoting will be applied. :php:`ExpressionBuilder::rightPad()` ------------------------------------ Right-pad the value or sub-expression result with :php:`$paddingValue`, to a total length of :php:`$length`. .. note:: SQLite does not support :sql:`RPAD(string, integer, string)`, therefore a complexer compatible replacement expression construct is created. .. code-block:: php :caption: Method signature /** * @param string $value Value, identifier or expression * defining the value which should be * right padded. * @param int|string $length Value, identifier or expression * defining the padding length to * fill up on the right or crop. * @param string $paddingValue Padding character used to fill up * if characters are missing on the * right side. * @param string $asIdentifier Used to add a field identifier alias * (`AS`) if non-empty string (optional). * @return string Returns database connection platform compatible * right-pad expression. */ public function rightPad( string $value, int|string $length, string $paddingValue, string $asIdentifier = '', ): string {} .. code-block:: php :caption: Usage example // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool; // use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class) ->getQueryBuilderForTable('some_table'); $expression1 = $queryBuilder->expr()->rightPad( $queryBuilder->quote('123'), 10, '0', ); $expression2 = $queryBuilder->expr()->rightPad( $queryBuilder->expr()->castVarchar($queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('uid')), 10, '0', ); $expression3 = $queryBuilder->expr()->rightPad( $queryBuilder->expr()->concat( $queryBuilder->quote('1'), $queryBuilder->quote('2'), $queryBuilder->quote('3'), ), 10, '0', ); $expression4 = $queryBuilder->expr()->rightPad( $queryBuilder->castVarchar('( 1123 )'), 10, '0', ); $expression5 = $queryBuilder->expr()->rightPad( $queryBuilder->quote('123'), 10, '0', 'virtual_field', ); .. warning:: Be aware to properly quote values, identifiers and sub-expressions. No automatic quoting will be applied. Impact ====== Extension authors can use the new expression methods to build more advanced queries without the requirement to deal with the correct implementation for all supported database vendors. .. index:: Database, PHP-API, ext:core