.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _breaking-97312: ================================================ Breaking: #97312 - Remove context sensitive help ================================================ See :issue:`97312` Description =========== The arguments for removing context sensitive help were: * The help was not really context sensitive, it only relied on tablename and fieldname, if a field was used for different purposes in different content types, the CSH always showed the same help * There was outdated information in CSH (e.g. Screenshots form TYPO3 4.x) and nobody is available to update the information * Some CSH descriptions explained the same content with different words which is confusing (e.g. tt_content - CType > Title: "Type" > CSH Tooltip: "Select the kind of Page Content this element represents. New options will appear when you save the record.") * Many CSH texts did not provide useful additional information (e.g. tt_content - header > Title: "Header" > CSH Tooltip: "Enter header text for the Content Element.") * The available online documentation https://docs.typo3.org/ improved a lot and helps better than the CSH in most cases, as it is up to date * CSH was hidden for most users, as it was only available by clicking on a label (no hint that help was available without hovering the label by mouse, not available for keyboard users) * `description` is available for explanations when they are required. Adding relevant information as `description` will help everyone as it is visible. * The removal was already proposed in 2019 (see https://decisions.typo3.org/t/drop-context-sensitive-help-in-core/511) and most arguments against removal can be solved using the `description` or by linking to the official documentation * Removal of CSH also removed a lot of outdated files (and results in smaller footprint of the TYPO3 Core package) The route `help_cshmanual_popup` has been removed. Help buttons :php:`Components\Buttons\Action\HelpButton` only return an empty string and trigger a deprecation warning. The CSH descriptions are not loaded any longer for tables. All labels are adjusted to not contain :html:`` tags inside any longer. The method :php:`cshItem()` of :php:`TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility` always returns an empty string and triggers a deprecation warning. The TYPO3 Manual menu item has been removed and a link to the TYPO3 Online Documentation has been added to the menu. The backend display related TCA option :php:`$GLOBALS['TCA'][my_table]['interface']['always_description']` is not evaluated anymore. Impact ====== The context sensitive help is removed completely and only loading help items for SelectCheckboxElements is still supported. Affected Installations ====================== All installations that use CSH for own fields. Migration ========= Important CSH texts need to be migrated to a TCA :php:`description`, to make the information available for all users. An example for a TCA description is the :php:`protected` column in the :php:`sys_redirect` TCA. The TCA option :php:`['interface']['always_description']` can be removed from any TCA definition. .. index:: Backend, NotScanned, ext:core