.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _feature-102793-1704805673: =================================================================================== Feature: #102793 - PSR-14 event for modifying default constraints in PageRepository =================================================================================== See :issue:`102793` Description =========== The API class :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Domain\Repository\PageRepository` has a method :php:`getDefaultConstraints()` which accumulates common restrictions for a database query to limit a query for TCA-based tables in order to filter out disabled, or scheduled records. A new PSR-14 event :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Domain\Event\ModifyDefaultConstraintsForDatabaseQueryEvent` has been introduced, which allows to remove, alter or add constraints compiled by TYPO3 for a specific table to further limit these constraints. Impact ====== The new event contains a list of :php:`CompositeExpression` objects, allowing to modify them via the :php:`getConstraints()` and :php:`setConstraints(array $constraints)` methods. Additional information, such as the used :php:`ExpressionBuilder` object or the table name and the current :php:`Context` are also available within the event. .. index:: PHP-API, ext:core