This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


What does it do?

This extension provides a static TypoScript template file and additional resources for CSS based, XHTML or HTML5 compliant rendering of content elements in TYPO3.

This document covers only elements specific to "css_styled_content". For a general overview of all the properties of TypoScript objects, please refer to the TypoScript Reference.

Modern content element rendering

From the birth of TYPO3 content elements have been rendered by the static template called "content (default)". This was mainly based on font-tags for styling and tables for positioning which was needed to achieve the visual constructions of the old versions of web browsers. However, with the widespread acceptance of CSS "content (default)" became obsolete and deprecated. This extension aims to provide a complete substitution of "content (default)"'s content rendering.

The objectives are to:

  • use standard XHTML or HTML5 compliant tags for rendering, styled by CSS, tagged by various classes.
  • reduce the amount of TypoScript Setup code, in particular cut down redundancy; this makes adjustments easier and cleaner.
  • reduce the amount of TypoScript constants to a necessary minimum; this makes configuration more "no-nonsense" since most layout related stuff is in the style sheets now.
  • use PHP for special rendering where a TypoScript implementation becomes too complex (this is the case for images, tables and file link elements).
  • use TypoScript for what it does absolutely best. This includes menus (HMENU, etc.) and image manipulation (IMAGE, IMGTEXT), simple wrapping operations, parsing of content and rendering of some standard elements like forms, file links etc. And of course the base setup of page objects, frame sets etc. (which is not affected at all by this plugin). And being a generally brilliant way to pass parameters to PHP from TYPO3's backend.
  • use non-TYPO3 specific tags with the RTE: only the link-tags are preserved as a concept. Bullet lists, tables and headers are now native HTML stored in the database. Still simple content lines are dissolved into lines with no <P> tags wrapped around.
  • achieve full XHTML-transitional and HTML5 compliance.
  • preserve backwards compatibility where it wouldn't compromise quality and modernity.

These are the more technical specs:

  • A new static template file is provided which works as a substitute for "content (default)". A certain number of "" objects are preserved as well as constants from those templates. No dependencies on any static template record at all. The new static template file contains a TLO "tt_content" which is a CASE cObject just like in "content (default)".
  • All rendering of the content elements is done in TypoScript except for the Content Elements "Table", "Images" and "File links" which are rendered by a USER cObject calling methods from "tx_cssstyledcontent_pi1" for rendering.
  • TYPO3 specific tags: Preserving the <LINK> tag.
  • The position of the parseFunc object has changed to "lib.parseFunc" and with TYPO3 versions > 3.6.0RC1 parseFunc can be referenced (which avoids redundancy!). Backwards compatibility with "added" custom tags should be available, but might fail depending on implementation.
  • The "lib.stdheader" is also largely preserved in structure, which means the "lib.stdheader.10 = CASE " object is still there as a true content object, thus backwards compatible for any added header-types.
  • RTE based on <P>, <Hx>-tags, images, tables, bullet lists (<OL>/<UL>). Only <LINK>-tags are converted to/from <A>-tags.

The Content Rendering & CSS Styled Content

Content in TYPO3 is rendered by a so-called render object. CSS Styled Content mainly provides the render object for rendering content from the "tt_content" table. In TypoScript this means it defines the object tt_content.[renderingDefinitions]. You can always have a look at your configuration with the help of the TS Object Browser. With the rendering configuration you can decide how your content elements are wrapped, for example if a headline should be wrapped in a <h1> or in <div><h1> or if all of your content elements should be wrapped by a default <div> for styling. CSS Styled Content tries to make it easier for you by providing sensible defaults for wraps, link targets, image rendering and more.

tt_content overview

Overview of the tt_content configuration