This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Cundd Composer

Composer support for TYPO3 CMS.


Install from TER or clone the source with git clone cundd_composer and install Cundd Composer as usual through the Extension Manager.


Make sure the extensions that provide a cundd_composer.json are already installed before running Cundd Composer. Only properly installed TYPO3 extensions are checked for a cundd_composer.json file.

via backend module

Cundd Composer icon Icon of the Cundd Composer module

Lets say we want to install the Composer dependencies for an TYPO3 extension called MyExt. In the root directory of the extension a valid cundd_composer.json file exists.

  1. Install MyExt through the Extension Manager
  2. Go to the Composer module in the Tools section
  3. Check the preview of the merged composer.json
  4. Click on Install or Update to tell Composer to install requirements

via command line

TYPO3 based CLI commands are available to manage dependencies.

To find information about the command's available options please run typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help followed by the command.


Installs the project dependencies from the composer.lock file (in EXT:cundd_composer/Resources/Private/Temp/) if present, or falls back on the cundd_composer.json.

typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase composer:install


Updates your dependencies to the latest version according to cundd_composer.json, and updates the composer.lock file (in EXT:cundd_composer/Resources/Private/Temp/).

typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase composer:update


Install available assets.

typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase composer:installassets


List information about the required packages.

typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase composer:list

For extension developers

Place a valid cundd_composer.json (The composer.json Schema) file in the root directory of your extension. If you want to use the Composer packages in a fronted extension you can simply use the package classes. In case of a backend module you have to register the Cundd Composer autoloader through \Cundd\CunddComposer\Autoloader::register().


The Asset Installer loops through all the installed composer packages and checks if they contain one of the directories defined in the extension manager (configuration name: assetPaths, defaults: Resources/Public/, build, lib, js, font, less and sass). If one of the directories exist, a symlink to the directory will be created inside of Cundd Composer's Resources/Public/Assets/ folder.

Before the Asset Installer can be used, it has to be enabled in the extension manager. Therefore allowInstallAssets has to be checked. If automaticallyInstallAssets (and allowInstallAssets) is enabled the Assets will be installed automatically after Cundd Composer's install or update function is invoked.


If the package foo/bar contains the directory Resources/Public/ Cundd Composer will create a symlink at EXT:cundd_composer/Resources/Public/Assets/foo_bar/ which will point to EXT:cundd_composer/vendor/foo/bar/Resources/Public/.


The aim of the Asset Installer is to provide a schema to reference asset files and to publish those files in a public folder, which allows the vendor directory to be inaccessible for browsers.


The Composer binary is located in ./typo3conf/ext/cundd_composer/Resources/Private/PHP/composer.phar. The generated composer.json, cache and configuration files are saved in ./typo3conf/ext/cundd_composer/Resources/Private/Temp/.

Update the Composer binary to the latest version

./typo3conf/ext/cundd_composer/Resources/Private/PHP/composer.phar selfupdate

Retrieve Composer configuration

COMPOSER=./typo3conf/ext/cundd_composer/Resources/Private/Temp/composer.json \
./typo3conf/ext/cundd_composer/Resources/Private/PHP/composer.phar config -l

Set OAuth tokens for API rate limit

COMPOSER_HOME=./typo3conf/ext/cundd_composer/Resources/Private/Temp/ \
./typo3conf/ext/cundd_composer/Resources/Private/PHP/composer.phar config -g \ theOauthToken

Clear the internal package cache

COMPOSER_HOME=./typo3conf/ext/cundd_composer/Resources/Private/Temp \
./typo3conf/ext/cundd_composer/Resources/Private/PHP/composer.phar clearcache

Breaking changes

Breaking changes in Cundd Composer 3.0

The class name without namespaces has been removed Tx_CunddComposer_Autoloader.

Upgrade to TYPO3 6.2

TYPO3 6.2 will parse the extensions composer.json files and retrieve different information from it. TYPO3's new Package Manager also allows the definition of dependencies. Unfortunately these dependencies are limited to real TYPO3 extension. If you want to install an extension, which requires a non-TYPO3 package in composer.json, the Package Manager tries to resolve this dependency in vain and the installation fails.

To work around this issue cundd_composer will look for the file cundd_composer.json instead of composer.json. For legacy reasons cundd_composer will still use composer.json TYPO3 versions below 6.2.

Please check the installed extensions before upgrading to TYPO3 6.2.