==================== Administrator Manual ==================== Installation ============= Install the extension via the Extension Manager. After installation you can configure the lifetime of the cache in the Extension Manager which defines how often a request will be made to the Twitter API. .. figure:: Images/AdministratorManual/extmanager_configuration.png :alt: Extension Manager Twitter App =========== Then you need to make a Twitter App: go to `dev.twitter.com `_, login with your Twitter credentials and click the button *Create a new application*. Fill in the mandatory details and submit. On the next page the details of your just-created App are shown and now you need to click *Create my access token*. After that you have all the details you need. .. figure:: Images/AdministratorManual/twitter_oauth.png :width: 500px :alt: Twitter App details Static template =============== When you have the Twitter App details, install the static template of Twitter Feed. Edit the constants and replace the values of *plugin.tx_cwtwitter.settings.oauth* with the corresponding values of the Twitter App.