This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.



In this example, we will create a news datatype with a frontend plugin for listing the newest records (last week) as a teaser on our homepage that leads to a detail page for a News-Entry.



We create a new folder for our fields, datatype and records, so we have a centralized folder, where the data of the news can be found.

We also need pages for

  • Our News-Listing
  • A News-Detail Page


Fieldtype Tabname Label Variable Name Explanation
Date 1-General Date date Our news has a date field that we also will use for sorting
Input 1-General News Title newstitle The title of the news, we also set "Use as record title", so the backend shows the content of this field as the record title. We add a "Not Empty Value"-Validator and a "String Length"-Validator with options minimum=0;maximum=255 to be sure it's not too long.
Textarea 1-General Short Description description A teaser description for our news, that will be used in small lists
RTE 1-General Text text The news contents as html text
Image 2-Media Main Image image The main image, that every news must have. We add a "Not Empty Value"-Validator so we can be sure this field is filled with a value
Relation 2-Media Additional Images additionalimages We set "allowed" to jpg,jpeg,gif,png, so only images are allowed.
Category 3-Category Category category We create some Categories in our folder that we assign in "Category Sources" in our field configuration and we add a "Not Empty Value"-Validator, to be sure at least one category is selected
Select 4-Author Author author We use frontend users that can be assigned to a news. For this, we need to select foreign in the field configuration and select foreign_table fe_users with the Class Name of the according model to TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FrontendUser, to receive the complete FrontendUser-Model in the frontend, when we use {}
Dynamic Input 5-More Tags tags This field is used for dynamically creating tags

Template Variables

Type Name Value
TypoScript Value lastWeek

The following TypoScript gives us a timestamp of the current time -7 days

10 = TEXT
10 {
  current = 1 = date:U
  setCurrent.wrap = | - 604800
  prioriCalc = 1
Fixed Value listPageId We enter the id of our list page that we will use later for getting back from the detail to the list page.


We create a datatype called "News" and assign the fields aswell as a nice Newspage-Icon to it.


We need some News-Records of course :)

Plugin for News Listing

First of all, we need to select our News-Folder in "Record Storage Page" and press "Save"

We insert the plugin "Display Records" on the page, where we want to display our latest news records and select "List" on the "Plugin Type"

Filtering for newest (-7 days) records

Our TypoScript-Template Variable "{lastWeek}" helps us to get newer records. We just add a new filter in the "Field/Value Filter Settings"-Tab with the following settings:

Filter Combination AND
Field News-Date Field
Condition Greater Than or Equal (gteq)
Field Value {lastWeek}


We set the "Default sort field" to our News-Date Field


We create a new fluid template somewhere in our fileadmin-Folder and select it in "Fluid Template". The contents of the template is the code, that is rendered in the frontend to display our latest news. Here is an example for displaying the latest news:

{namespace dv=MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}

<f:if condition="{records}">
        <f:for each="{records}" as="record" iteration="i">
                < format="Y-m-d">{}</>
                <div style="float:left; margin-right:10px;">
                        <f:image src="fileadmin/{record.image.value.0.identifier}" height="30" />
                <f:if condition="{i.isLast} == 0"><hr /></f:if>
                <f:format.crop maxCharacters="135" append="&nbsp;[...]">{record.description.value}</f:format.crop>
                < record="{record}" pid="{settings.detail_page_id}">show</>

Plugin for News Details

First of all, we need to select our News-Folder in "Record Storage Page" and press "Save"

We insert the plugin "Display Records" on the page with the "Plugin Type" "Dynamic Detail", where we want to display our detailed information on a selected news in our News-Listing. For "Allow or Show records by selection type", we can select "All Records on selected Storage Page(s)", so all News-Records are allowed to be used with this plugin.


We create a new fluid template somewhere in our fileadmin-Folder and select it in "Fluid Template". The contents of the template is the code, that is rendered in the frontend to display the news details. Here is an example for displaying news details:

< pageUid="{listPageId}">&laquo;&nbsp;Go Back</>
<hr />
<f:if condition="{record}">
                < format="Y-m-d">{}</>
                <div style="float:left; margin-right:10px;">
                        <f:image src="fileadmin/{record.image.value.0.identifier}" height="60" />
                <div style="float:left;">
                        <f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="">{record.text.value}</f:format.html>
                        <em>written by {}</em>
                        <br />
                        <em>Categories: <f:for each="{record.category.value}" as="category">{category.title}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</f:for></em>

                        <br />
                        <f:for each="{record.tags.value}" as="tag">
                                #{tag}<br />

                        <f:if condition="{record.additionalimages.value}">
                                <h5>Additional Images:</h5>
                                <f:for each="{record.additionalimages.value}" as="additionalimage">
                                        <f:image src="{additionalimage.publicUrl}" height="30" />
                NO NEWS ID GIVEN

Variable Injection

We need to inject "Fixed Value 'listPageId'" to the template, so we have a dynamic value that leads to the News-Listing Page.