This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Creating a new Template Variable

Template Variables are injected to the fluid templates. You can select them in the Records-Plugin.



Determines the type of the value. It can be dynamic or fixed. Please see the following options with their description.
Option Name Description
Fixed Value A fixed text value
TypoScript Value Parsed TypoScript value
GET Variable Value from the GET Parameters of the page
POST Variable Value from the POST Parameters of the page
Record Single record instance
Record Field Value Value from a field of a record
Database Value Database Result Value from a given query
Frontend User The current frontend user
Server Variable A variable from the SERVER ($_SERVER)
Dynamic Record Loads a record into the variable from the arguments of a dynamic detail page
User Session Variable Extracts a variable from the frontend user session
Page Adds the complete page information of the selected page to the variable
UserFunc Calls the entered user function and puts the output to the variable
The variable name that can be used in the fluid template.

Use cases

  • Inject dynamic values like the current date
  • Inject back- or list page Ids to link to other pages without hardcoding ids
  • Add custom PHP Script Values to the output by using TypoScript and USERFUNC
  • Inject the current record on a site when using multiple plugins