.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _movie: .. image:: ../../Images/logo_dataviewer.png Movie ----- In this example, we create a datatype for a small movie database. We also create a list for all movies aswell as a list for Sci-Fi Movies. Our movie-detail page will show equal movies of the same type as a small preview line and links to the according movies. .. image:: ../../Images/example_movie.jpg Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We create a new folder for our fields, datatype and records, so we have a centralized folder, where the data of the movies can be found. We also need pages for * A complete listing of all movies * A detail page for a movie * A page for listing Sci-Fi Movies * A page for comparing movies Fields ###### +----------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fieldtype | Tabname | Label | Variable Name | Explanation | +================+===============+=======================+====================+=================================================================================+ | Select | 1-General | Type | type | We create this field with all options as fieldvalues for our movie types, | | | | | | for example Comedy, Horror, Mystery, Fantasy, Science Fiction | +----------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Date | 1-General | Release Date | releasedate | We offer a date field for entering the release date of the movie | +----------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Input | 1-General | Length | length | We create a input field for the movie length that is validated as integer | | | | | | ``eval = int``. We could also add a Numeric Validator in the Tab "Validation". | +----------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Select | 1-General | Age Rating | agerating | We create all options with adding fieldvalues. For no age rating, we create a | | | | | | fieldvalue with "No characterization" and set this as "Is Default", so this | | | | | | is a predefined value on every new record | +----------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Image | 2-Media | Cover | cover | This shows an image selection field for the Movie Cover. | +----------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Checkbox | 3-Cinema | Cinema | cinema | We create a checkbox field for selecting Cinema's, where the movie will be | | | | | | shown. | +----------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Template Variables ################## +------------------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Type | Name | Value | +========================+===============+====================================================================================================+ | Fixed Value | listPageId | We enter the id of our list page that we will use later for getting back from the detail to the | | | | list page. | +------------------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GET Variable | id | We retrieve the current page id from the url. | | | | This id can also be extracted from the cObj with ``{cObj.pid}`` | +------------------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dynamic Record | baseRecord | This injects the same record, that is used in the "Dynamic Detail"-View of the "Display Records"- | | (from LinkViewHelper) | | Plugin | +------------------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Datatype ######## We create a datatype called "Movie" and assign the fields aswell as a nice Movie-Icon to it. Records ####### We need some Movie-Records of course :) Plugin for Listing and Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Please refer to the News-Example, to see how to add Listings and a Detail Page.* Additional Records of Type "Science Fiction" on the Movie-Detail page ##################################################################### .. image:: ../../Images/example_movie_according.jpg We add another "Display Records"-Plugin to our Movie-Detail Page, which we will use to display according movies of the same type. The additional plugin only displays the according records in a simple list. Each record is linked to the detail page. We also have to include the Template Variables "baseRecord" and "id". *Template Example* .. code-block:: html {namespace dv=MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}
According Movies of the same type '{baseRecord.type.value}'
No according records found » {record.title}
Listing only Science Fiction Movies ################################### We do the same as in the Listing but we add a filter in the Tab "Field/Value Filter Settings" Example Filter Configuration: +--------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Filter Combination | AND | +--------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Field | Movie Type | +--------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Condition | Equal (eq) | +--------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Option Value | Science Fiction | +--------------------------+---------------------------------------+ .. note:: If you are not sure, what you are doing, if is helpful to enable the "Debug"-Mode in the Tab "Developer Settings". The frontend-output will give you additional information about the Database-Query that is made as well as some additional information, how the data is obtained. Plugin for Selecting / Comparing Movies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We create a fluid template for comparing two selected movies and showing same details in a twin-view. So we need a template that gets two records and displays them side by side. .. image:: ../../Images/example_movie_compare.jpg Select-Plugin Configuration ########################### The "Target record display plugin, which will follow this plugin" needs to be set to the "Display Records"-Plugin, that already exists on the page to display the records. The ``Selection Limit`` is configured with ``2`` *Example Template* The following template observes the number of the records and displays all possible actions when no record is selected, one record is selected or two records are selected. .. code-block:: html {namespace dv=MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}
No selection
No selection
Please select a second record
*Example Template 'MovieCompare.html'* DataViewer can render templates with a ViewHelper so you can use this to render things like partials. .. code-block:: html


Type: {record.type.value}
Length: {record.length.value} min
Age Rating: {record.agerating.value}