This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.



In this example, we create a datatype for a small movie database. We also create a list for all movies aswell as a list for Sci-Fi Movies.

Our movie-detail page will show equal movies of the same type as a small preview line and links to the according movies.



We create a new folder for our fields, datatype and records, so we have a centralized folder, where the data of the movies can be found.

We also need pages for

  • A complete listing of all movies
  • A detail page for a movie
  • A page for listing Sci-Fi Movies
  • A page for comparing movies


Fieldtype Tabname Label Variable Name Explanation
Select 1-General Type type We create this field with all options as fieldvalues for our movie types, for example Comedy, Horror, Mystery, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Date 1-General Release Date releasedate We offer a date field for entering the release date of the movie
Input 1-General Length length We create a input field for the movie length that is validated as integer eval = int. We could also add a Numeric Validator in the Tab "Validation".
Select 1-General Age Rating agerating We create all options with adding fieldvalues. For no age rating, we create a fieldvalue with "No characterization" and set this as "Is Default", so this is a predefined value on every new record
Image 2-Media Cover cover This shows an image selection field for the Movie Cover.
Checkbox 3-Cinema Cinema cinema We create a checkbox field for selecting Cinema's, where the movie will be shown.

Template Variables

Type Name Value
Fixed Value listPageId We enter the id of our list page that we will use later for getting back from the detail to the list page.
GET Variable id We retrieve the current page id from the url. This id can also be extracted from the cObj with {}
Dynamic Record (from LinkViewHelper) baseRecord This injects the same record, that is used in the "Dynamic Detail"-View of the "Display Records"- Plugin


We create a datatype called "Movie" and assign the fields aswell as a nice Movie-Icon to it.


We need some Movie-Records of course :)

Plugin for Listing and Details

Please refer to the News-Example, to see how to add Listings and a Detail Page.

Additional Records of Type "Science Fiction" on the Movie-Detail page


We add another "Display Records"-Plugin to our Movie-Detail Page, which we will use to display according movies of the same type. The additional plugin only displays the according records in a simple list. Each record is linked to the detail page. We also have to include the Template Variables "baseRecord" and "id".

Template Example

{namespace dv=MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}

<h5>According Movies of the same type '{baseRecord.type.value}'</h5>
<f:if condition="{records -> f:count()} <= 0">
        <f:then>No according records found</f:then>
                <f:for each="{records}" as="record" iteration="i">
                        < record="{record}" pid="{id}">&raquo;&nbsp;{record.title}</>
                        <f:if condition="{i.isLast} == 0"><br /></f:if>

Listing only Science Fiction Movies

We do the same as in the Listing but we add a filter in the Tab "Field/Value Filter Settings" Example Filter Configuration:

Filter Combination AND
Field Movie Type
Condition Equal (eq)
Option Value Science Fiction


If you are not sure, what you are doing, if is helpful to enable the "Debug"-Mode in the Tab "Developer Settings". The frontend-output will give you additional information about the Database-Query that is made as well as some additional information, how the data is obtained.

Plugin for Selecting / Comparing Movies

We create a fluid template for comparing two selected movies and showing same details in a twin-view. So we need a template that gets two records and displays them side by side.


Select-Plugin Configuration

The "Target record display plugin, which will follow this plugin" needs to be set to the "Display Records"-Plugin, that already exists on the page to display the records.

The Selection Limit is configured with 2

Example Template

The following template observes the number of the records and displays all possible actions when no record is selected, one record is selected or two records are selected.

{namespace dv=MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}

<f:if condition="{records -> f:count()} == 0">
        <div style="border:1px dashed #c0c0c0; width:30%; height:300px; float:left; display:block; margin:15px; color:#c0c0c0;">No selection</div>
        <div style="border:1px dashed #c0c0c0; width:30%; height:300px; float:left; display:block; margin:15px; color:#c0c0c0;">No selection</div>
<f:if condition="{records -> f:count()} == 1">
        <div style="border:1px solid green; width:30%; height:300px; float:left; display:block; margin:15px;">
                <dv:render.template template="fileadmin/templates/dataviewer/movies/Partials/MovieCompare.html" arguments="{record:records.0}" />
        <div style="border:1px dashed #c0c0c0; width:30%; height:300px; float:left; display:block; margin:15px; color:#c0c0c0;">
                Please select a second record
<f:if condition="{records -> f:count()} == 2">
        <div style="border:1px solid green; width:30%; height:300px; float:left; display:block; margin:15px;">
                <dv:render.template template="fileadmin/templates/dataviewer/movies/Partials/MovieCompare.html" arguments="{record:records.0}" />
        <div style="border:1px solid green; width:30%; height:300px; float:left; display:block; margin:15px;">
                <dv:render.template template="fileadmin/templates/dataviewer/movies/Partials/MovieCompare.html" arguments="{record:records.1}" />

Example Template 'MovieCompare.html'

DataViewer can render templates with a ViewHelper so you can use this to render things like partials.

<div style="display:block;height:15px; width:94%; padding:10px;">
        <hr />
        Type: {record.type.value}
        <hr />
        Length: {record.length.value} min
        <hr />
        Age Rating: {record.agerating.value}