This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.




This ViewHelper injects records to other fluid templates. You can use the records of a previous Record-Plugin and inject them in other fluid templates (of extensions).

To inject records to other fluid templates, just include a Record-Plugin above and use the following code in the fluid template, where you want to inject the records of that Record-Plugin.

All you need is to use the parameter sourceUid, where this is the Uid of the Record-Plugin, that is positioned above your fluid template usage.


{namespace dv = MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}
<dv:inject sourceUid="51" />


The process here is, that the relevant Record Ids are stored in the session, when the "Display Records"-Plugin above this is executed. The Ids then are requested when the ViewHelper is called. So there is an additional Database-Query, when you use this functionality.


This ViewHelper renders template files, either defined in the plugin TypoScript or a manual file path.

Argument Description
template Please enter a valid file or a template identifier from plugin.tx_dataviewer.templates
arguments The Arguments for the ViewHelper as an array


{namespace dv = MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}
<dv:render.template template="movieMini" arguments="{record:record} />
<dv:render.template template="fileadmin/templates/dataviewer/movies/partials/mini.html" arguments="{record:record} />


The PartViewHelper renders different parts of the Records in case a template was set.

Record {record}
RecordValue {record.recordValues.0}
Value {record.*fieldname*}


{namespace dv = MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}
<dv:render.part part="{record}" />
<dv:render.part part="{record.myfieldname}" />


There are serveral GetViewHelper to retrieve data by id.

Retrieved Object Usage
Datatype {dv:datatype.get(id:'1',includeHidden:'0')}
Field {dv:field.get(id:'1',includeHidden:'0')}
Record {dv:record.get(id:'1',includeHidden:'0')}


This ViewHelper can create a record link with a record parameter and a detail page id. The Detail Page Id is normally configured in the Plugin itself and is delivered through {settings.detail_page_id}.

{namespace dv = MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}
< record="{record}" pid="{settings.detail_page_id}">


The (Page)TitleViewHelper is used for changing the Page Title within fluid, so you can use you records information to generate a dynamic title for the page, that is accessed.

{namespace dv = MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}


This ViewHelpers fetches all records that match the conditions, that were added.

Condition Structure:

Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
field_id int Id of the field that has to be filterd
filter_condition string The condition shorthand for the filter. See below for available conditions.
field_value string|int The value that has to match
filter_combination string AND/OR


{namespace dv = MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}

<f:for each="{dv:filter.recordsByConditions(conditions:'{
 }')}" as="record">
        {record.title} ({record.length.value})
        <br />


This ViewHelpers fetches all records that match the conditions, that were added.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
field string|int Name or Id of the field
value string The search value for the field
condition string The condition for the search


{namespace dv = MageDeveloper\Dataviewer\ViewHelpers}

<f:for each="{dv:filter.recordsByField(field:'length',value:'110',condition:'gte')}" as="record">
   {record.title} (Length: {record.length.value})
   <br />

Conditions for filters

Condition Shorthand SQL Operator SQL Variable Repository Condition
eq = '{$var}' ->equals
neq != '{$var}' ->logicalNot->equals
like LIKE '%{$var}%' ->like
nlike NOT LIKE '%{$var}%' ->logicalNot->like
in IN ([trimExplode]{$var}) ->in
nin NOT IN ([trimExplode]{$var}) ->logicalNot->in
gt > {(int)$var} ->greaterThan
lt < {(int)$var} ->lessThan
gte >= {(int)$var} ->greaterThanOrEqual
lte <= {(int)$var} ->lessThanOrEqual
fis FIND_IN_SET '{$var}'