This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Target group: Administrators

Configuration Reference

This section describes all options aviable for Datec Blog via TypoScript setup. To change these options please add a new extension template to your ROOT template.

Minimal configuration

Upon installation, please add the static extension template 'Datec Blog' to your ROOT template (Web > Template > edit root page template > Includes > select static template from extensions) and set at least the following options:

# PID of your storage folder for comments and comment creators
plugin.tx_datecblog_blog.settings.commentsStoragePid = 123

# Valid email address to dispatch automatic mails from
plugin.tx_datecblog_blog.settings.mail.internMailFrom =

General configuration


Property Data type Description Default
view.templateRootPath string Constant, path to template files if you wish to use your own. EXT:datec_blog/Resources/Private/Templates/
view.partialRootPath string Constant, path to partial template files if you wish to use your own. EXT:datec_blog/Resources/Private/Partials/
view.layoutRootPath string Constant, path to layout files if you wish to use your own. EXT:datec_blog/Resources/Private/Layouts/
settings.commentsStoragePid int System folder for comments and comment creators.  
settings.mail.internMailFrom string E-mail address for automatic notification Mails [FROM].
settings.mail.internMailFromName string Name to display for automatic notification Mails [FROM-NAME]. Datec Blog
settings.maxFileSize string Maximum file size in bytes on comments with file attachments. 4000000
settings.allowedFileTypes string File types allowed, listing comma-separated, on comments with file upload. pdf,zip,png,jpg,jpeg,gif,txt,doc,docx
settings.display.dateFormat string Date format to display dates, must be compatible to date() PHP function. d.m.Y
settings.display.showDefaultHeaders boolean Display Titles about each plugin (e.g. 'Categories'). 1
settings.display.keywords.limit string Limit keyword results to this number, set 0 to disable. 0
settings.display.keywords.order string Order keywords by 'date', 'usage' or 'sorting'. usage
settings.display.keywords.visual string Display keywords as 'cloud' or 'list'. cloud
settings.display.posts.dateFormat string Like 'settings.display.dateFormat' for posts only. d.m.Y - H:i
settings.display.posts.teaserTextLength string Blogposts (without teasertext) will be cut of at this length in list view. 40
settings.display.posts.sorting string Column name for SQL-query to sort blogposts by. crdate
settings.display.posts.sortingDirection string Sorting direction for SQL-query to sort blogposts by. DESC
settings.display.posts.pagination.enable boolean Enable pagination for bloglist. 1
settings.display.posts.pagination.itemsPerPage int Blogposts per page. 15
settings.display.posts.pagination.maxPages int Maximum Pages displayed, 0 disables this. (reduces visible content!) 0 boolean Pagination should appear above the bloglist. 0
settings.display.posts.pagination.bottom boolean Pagination should appear below the bloglist. 1
settings.display.comments.dateFormat string Like 'settings.display.dateFormat' for comments only. d.m.Y - H:i
settings.display.comments.sorting string Sorting direction for SQL-query to sort comments by. crdate
settings.display.comments.sortingDirection string Sorting direction for SQL-query to sort comments by. DESC
settings.display.feUser.nameFormat string Display user with 'username', 'firstname_lastname', 'firstname' or 'lastname'. username
settings.cssClasses.form string CSS class for forms. (All CSS-settings are suggested Bootstrap default) form form-inline
settings.cssClasses.formLabel string CSS class for form labels. control-label
settings.cssClasses.formField string CSS class for form fields. form-control
settings.cssClasses.formFieldWrap string CSS class to wrap around fields + label. form-group
settings.cssClasses.formButton string CSS class for form buttons. btn btn-default
settings.cssClasses.listGroup string CSS class for list groups ('ul').  
settings.cssClasses.listItem string CSS class for list items('li').