This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Target group: Administrators

Configuration Reference

This section describes all options aviable for Datec Jobmarket via TypoScript setup. To change these options please add a new extension template to your ROOT template.

Minimal configuration

Upon installation, please add the static extension template "Datec Stellenmarkt" to your ROOT template (Web > Template > edit root page template > Includes > select static template from extensions) and set at least the following options:

    # PID of the storage folder, in which jobentries will be saved
    plugin.tx_datecjobmarket.settings.storagePid = 123

    # Valid E-Mail Address, to send messages of new jobentries from (FROM)
    plugin.tx_datecjobmarket.settings.mail.internMailFrom =

# Valid E-Mail Address, to send internal messages of new jobentries to (TO)
    plugin.tx_datecjobmarket.settings.mail.internMailFrom =

    # PID of the page, on which to display the export view (German only)
    plugin.tx_datecjobmarket.showExportPid = 456

    # PID of the page, where the usage agreement is acessible by the user
    plugin.tx_datecjobmarket.usageAgreementPid = 789

General configuration


Property Datatype Description Default
view.templateRootPath string Constant, path to template files if you wish to use your own EXT:datec_jobmarket/Resources/Private/Templates/
view.partialRootPath string Constant, path to partial template files if you wish to use your own EXT:datec_jobmarket/Resources/Private/Partials/
view.layoutRootPath string Constant, path to layout files if you wish to use your own EXT:datec_jobmarket/Resources/Private/Layouts/
settings.storagePid int System folder uid for jobentries.  
settings.showExportPid int Page uid, on which to display the export view (German only)  
settings.usageAgreementPid int Page uid, on which the user can find the usage agreement  
settings.allowedBEgroups4FEediting string List (comma-seperated), BE-usergroups which are allowed to edit in the frontend  
settings.mail.internMailFrom string E-mail address or automatic notification mails sender [FROM]
settings.mail.internMailFromName string Name for automatic notification mails sender [FROM-NAME] Datec Stellenmarkt
settings.mail.internMailTo string E-mail address or automatic notification mails recipient [TO]  
settings.mail.sendSupportInternMail boolean Should automatic notification mails be send to an admin?  
settings.mail.supportInternMailTo string E-mail address for automatic notification mails admin (TO)  
settings.display.dateFormat string Date format to display dates, must be compatible to date() PHP function d.m.Y
settings.display.titleTag string HTML-Tag vor headers <h4>
settings.display.titleTagClosing string HTML-Tag vor headers, should match starting tag </h4>
settings.jobentry.defaultValidToDays int Count of days to determine publication period (starttime + this = endtime) 14
settings.jobentry.resetStarttimeAndEndtimeOnUpdate boolean Update starttime and endtime on edit 0
settings.jobentry.titleMaxLength int Maximum char lenght of titles 200
settings.jobentry.defaultFacilityType int UID, Facility Type record to use as default [1] 0 (disabled)
settings.jobentry.defaultWorktimeType int UID, Worktime Type record to use as default [1] 0 (disabled)
settings.jobentry.formFields string List (comma-seperated), visible form fields for jobentries [2] beginfrom, limitedto, information, qualifications, contact, facility, facilityType, workarea, worktimeType, street, zipcode, city, phone1, fax, exportable
settings.jobentry.formFieldsRequired string Like form fields, but defines required fields beginfrom, qualifications, contact, facility, facilityType, worktimeType, zipcode, city
settings.pagination.itemsPerPage int Result count per page in pagination 25
settings.pagination.insertAbove boolean Show pagination above results 1
settings.pagination.insertBelow boolean Show pagination below results 1 boolean Compare the e-mail address of the frontend user with the jobentry to access editing 0 boolean Show e-mail adresses publicly [3] 0
settings.cssClasses.form string CSS class for forms (All CSS-settings are suggested Bootstrap default) form form-horizontal
settings.cssClasses.formLabel string CSS class for form labels ('label') col-sm-4 control-label
settings.cssClasses.formField string CSS class for form fields ('input') form-control
settings.cssClasses.formFieldWrap string CSS class to wrap form field + Label form-group
settings.cssClasses.formFieldInnerWrap string CSS class to wrap form fields col-sm-8
settings.cssClasses.formButton string CSS class for form buttons ('button') btn btn-default
settings.cssClasses.formSubmitWrap string CSS class to wrap form buttons col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-6
settings.cssClasses.formColumns string CSS class for form columns row
settings.cssClasses.formColumn string CSS class for form column col-md-6
settings.cssClasses.buttonColumn string CSS class for button column col-md-3
settings.cssClasses.table string CSS class for tables ('table') table table-hover
settings.cssClasses.tableWrap string CSS class to wrap tables table-responsive
settings.cssClasses.paginationWrap string CSS class to wrap pagination btn-toolbar
settings.cssClasses.paginationButtonWrap string CSS class to wrap page numbers btn-group
settings.cssClasses.paginationButton string CSS class for page numbers. btn btn-light


This Option makes only sense if you have need and created for records of this datatype. This option will ignore the corresponding form field (facilityType/worktimeType) and force it's value. A usful implication of this option is, e.g. if you hide the input field "facilityType" in the form, but still want a default value to be set.


Compage possible values with property names of the jobentry, almost all input fields can be hidden or shown. Exception are the following fields: title, email, password, usageAgreement - these will always be there as required fields.


Showing e-mail addresses public can improve the communication between users, but also represents a security risk. To prevent automated collection of e-mail adresses by bots, you should use the following configuration, to enable e-mail encryption:

config.spamProtectEmailAddresses = 1
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst = (at)