This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Additional parameters

When creating a recipient list from type external provider, you have the possibility to specify additional parameters that will be passed as a single string arguments to the provider. Let’s suppose the user specify this recipient list:

Custom provider as an itemsProcFunc

Method myRecipientList will get additional parameter “18” and will be able to process it the way it likes:

public function myRecipientList(array &$params, $pObj) {
    // Retrieve user parameters (will get "18")
    $sizeOfRecipientList = $params['userParams'];

    // snip

The next two sections describe how you may:

  1. Create a JavaScript-based wizard to manipulate the string of additional parameters
  2. Create additional TCA fields to be even more user friendly