This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Users manual

This chapter describes how to use the extension from a user point of view.

Your lists show the number of records, as with any other recipient list:

Number of recipients

As you see, dynamic lists are fully integrated with Direct Mail.

Supported types of recipient lists

With the exception of custom table records, Direct Mail supports recipient lists with basically three types of items:

  1. List of tt_address records
  2. List of fe_users (frontend users) records
  3. Plain list of email addresses

This extension allows you to create dynamic list of recipients using any of these types of items. Screenshot below shows a dynamic list with 1 record coming from table tt_address, 1 record coming from table fe_users and 13 records given as plain email addresses:

Supported types of dynamic lists