.. You may want to use the usual include line. Uncomment and adjust the path. .. include:: ../Includes.txt ================== EXT: Image Alttext ================== :Created: 2003-03-01T22:58:10 :Changed: 2005-05-30T10:24:11 :Author: Volker Hielscher :Email: vh@dmc.de :Info 3: :Info 4: .. _EXT-Image-Alttext: EXT: Image Alttext ================== Extension Key: **dmc\_image\_alttext** Copyright 2000-2005 Volker Hielscher, This document is published under the Open Content License available from http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml The content of this document is related to TYPO3 \- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from www.typo3.com .. _Table-of-Contents: Table of Contents ----------------- **EXT: Image Alttext 1** **Introduction 1** What does it do? 1 Screenshots 2 **Users manual 3** 3 **Adminstration 3** **Configuration 3** Reference 3 **Known-Problems 3** **Changelog 3** .. _Introduction: Introduction ------------ .. _What-does-it-do: What does it do? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This extension adds 2 new fields to the Image and Text/w Image Elements. These fields called alttext and titletext are used to add alt-tags and/or title-tags to the shown images. ”This The field is splitted with chr(10) ( carrige return ) by default, but this can be changed with a constant. Each line of the alttext-field go's to the corresponding image from the image-source field. .. _Screenshots: Screenshots ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _Backend: Backend """"""" |img-1| .. _Frontend: Frontend """""""" .. _img-2: |img-2| ------- .. _Users-manual: Users manual ------------ Install the Extension with the extension manager. After that you have the new field in the image and text/w image element. Insert the alttext in the new element and enjoy. You can change the constant Alttext under Images with the constant editor to change the settings. The alttext is splitted with chr(10) by default. If you want the whole field to all images without beeing splitted, change the constant dmc\_imageAlttext.alttextSplit to 0. If you want to change the split-token you can change the constant dmc\_imageAlttext.alttextSplitToken to the value you want. .. _Adminstration: Adminstration ------------- The extension extends the basic tslib\_cObj class. In Typo3.5 the function IMGTEXT. If these function is changed in the next releases the extension must be changed too. In Typo3.6 the function getAltParam. .. _Configuration: Configuration ------------- .. _Reference: Reference ^^^^^^^^^ .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. _altText-altTextSplit: altText.altTextSplit """""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property altText.altTextSplit Data type boolean Description If set, splits the alttext for each image using the char under altText.altTextSplit.token. Default 1 .. _altText-altTextSplit-token: altText.altTextSplit.token """""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property altText.altTextSplit.token Data type string Description Splitchar for splitting the text in parts. Default Chr(10) .. _titleText-altTextSplit: titleText.altTextSplit """""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property titleText.altTextSplit Data type boolean Description If set, splits the titletext for each image using the char under titleText.altTextSplit.token. Using the same constant as altText.altTextSplit. Default 1 .. _titleText-altTextSplit-token: titleText.altTextSplit.token """""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property titleText.altTextSplit.token Data type string Description Splitchar for splitting the text in parts. Default Chr(10) .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [tsref:dmc\_imageAlttext.styles.content.imgtext] .. _Known-Problems: Known-Problems -------------- There can be only one extensions that extends the tslib\_cObj class ! At the moment there are popular extensions like: - sl\_css\_imgtext - dmc\_image\_alttext - tableswithoutp There is no solution for using them together at the moment. Only a workaround. Copy the code ( for the cObj , tslib\_content file ) of the needed extensions together to one new file and change the ext\_localconf of the other ones not to overwrite the cObj. Very bad :-( .. _Changelog: Changelog --------- - 0.0.1: Inital Revision. - 0.0.2: Added a icon. - 0.0.3: change state to Beta and added this documentation. - 0.0.4: merge the translations - 0.0.5: added a new Parameter to show alttext also in title-tag but this can be changed - 1.0.0: add Typo3.6 Support, add new field title, delete the constant dmc\_imageAlttext.alttextTitle - 1.1.0: Version 3.7 ready. Changed a small bug if you use TS directly to render images and not the content-types from the table. - 1.2.0: Delete the support for Versions smaller then 3.6. Insert a new configparameter from Stanislas Rolland to change the behavior of default title-text handling. ( if empty it was set with the alt tag ). Now you can switch this off. - 1.2.1: Change the Documentation |img-3| EXT: Image Alttext - 4 .. ######CUTTER_MARK_IMAGES###### .. |img-1| image:: img-1.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 465 .. :id: Grafik1 .. :name: Grafik1 .. :width: 669 .. |img-2| image:: img-2.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 154 .. :id: Grafik2 .. :name: Grafik2 .. :width: 219 .. |img-3| image:: img-3.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 32 .. :id: Graphic1 .. :name: Graphic1 .. :width: 102