.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _user: User ============ Integrating the form into a page ------------ 1. Navigate to the page where you want the form to be displayed 2. Create a new content element of type "plugin" 3. Select Tab "Plugin", choose "Double Opt In" as "Selected Plugin" Configuring the form ------------ 1. Edit the content element 2. Select Tab "Plugin", you can now configure the plugin options Mail Subject ```````````` Here you can define the subject line of the double opt in mail the frontend user will receive. Redirect on failed validation ```````````` Here you can choose the page the user should be redirected in case the validation fails for some reason. Redirect on initiated validation ```````````` Here you can choose the page the user should be redirected to after submitting the form. Redirect on successful validation ```````````` Here you can choose the page the user should be redirected after they successfully confirmed their email address. Record Storage ```````````` Here you can choose the page where the generated doubleoptins should be stored. It is recommended to store them at the same page where the plugin is located (but any page works fine). Exporting data ------------ You can export the data using the list view in your TYPO3 backend. Just navigate to the page/folder where the doubleoptins are stored. Click on "Double Opt In" (the header of the table) and then "Download CSV file" (fourth icon from the left). All confirmed double opt ins have a verification date > 1970 and a verification ip. All other double opt ins started the process but did not click the confirmation link in the email that was sent to them.