.. You may want to use the usual include line. Uncomment and adjust the path. .. include:: ../Includes.txt ==================================================== Extension Coordination Team - Coordinated extensions ==================================================== :Author: Kasper Skårhøj :Created: 2002-11-01T00:32:00 :Changed: 2007-07-12T20:10:43 :Author: Elmar Hinz :Email: elmar.hinz@team-red.net :Info 3: :Info 4: .. _Extension-Coordination-Team-Coordinated-extensions: Extension Coordination Team - Coordinated extensions ==================================================== Extension Key: **ect** Copyright 2000-2002, Elmar Hinz, This document is published under the Open Content License available from http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml The content of this document is related to TYPO3 \- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from www.typo3.com .. _Table-of-Contents: Table of Contents ----------------- **Extension Coordination Team - Coordinated extensions 1** **FAQ 1** What does this extension do? 1 What is in the selection of extensions? 1 What is the target of this extension? 1 Why should I use this libraries? 1 Are the listed extensions stable? 2 Why should I install this extension? 2 Why isn't my library in this set of extensions? 2 Is there a bug in the key kickstarter\_\_mvc? 2 **Requirements for extensions 2** **Add-ons: ECT syntax for extension keys (\*) 2** .. _FAQ: FAQ --- .. _What-does-this-extension-do: What does this extension do? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The target of this extension to install a defined selection of libraries and basic extensions all at once. For now this is done by the use of dependencies. .. _What-is-in-the-selection-of-extensions: What is in the selection of extensions? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The extensions that will be installed are libraries and basic extensions that other extensions can be build upon. All this extensions are maintained by members of the Extension Coordination Team. .. _What-is-the-target-of-this-extension: What is the target of this extension? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The target of this extension and one target of the Extension Coordination Team at all, is to establish a selection of coordinated libraries as base for extension development. It wants to give some orientation in the jungle of the many libraries within the TER. .. _Why-should-I-use-this-libraries: Why should I use this libraries? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The included libraries have active maintainers or even a team of maintainers. So you will find support within the newsgroups. The libraries are coordinated so that they fit together as much as it is possible. .. _Are-the-listed-extensions-stable: Are the listed extensions stable? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Well that would be nice. But it's not the primary target to include only stable extensions. We also want to set the focus upon extensions that need the support of the community to become stable soon. .. _Why-should-I-install-this-extension: Why should I install this extension? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You don't need to install this extension. If you install it, it's for your own curiosity. Maybe you want make it a habit to build your extensions upon this base. Then it helps you to get started more quickly with the installation of the fundamental selection of extensions. .. _Why-isn-t-my-library-in-this-set-of-extensions: Why isn't my library in this set of extensions? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Your extension must meet the requirements of ECT extensions (See below). You must be an active member in the extension coordination newsgroup/mailing list. Simply putting an extension into the TER is not enough, even if your extension is perfectly coded. The regular communication with the other developers is a precondition. .. _Is-there-a-bug-in-the-key-kickstarter-mvc: Is there a bug in the key kickstarter\_\_mvc? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ No, the double underscore is a special syntax to mark it as an add-on for the kickstarter extension. (See below.) .. _Requirements-for-extensions: Requirements for extensions --------------------------- The maintainer of the extension is an active member of the ECT. He participates in the discussions in the NG typo3.teams.extension- coordiantion and answers to the daily questions. Maybe he provides an own mailing list for the extension. The extension is a base for other extensions. Either it is a library or it is an extension of fundamental functionality, that other extensions build upon. This is not the place for extensions, that are only build for end users. The extension can also provide end user functionality for the TYPO3 BE that is interesting for many people but still didn't find it's way into the set of core extensions. There shouldn't be concurrency within this set of extensions. For example there should only be one basic calendar extension. The extension keys don't start with a personal prefix but have a general name. Underscores should be avoided. The extension must follow the coding guidelines and quality standards of TYPO3. .. _Add-ons-ECT-syntax-for-extension-keys: Add-ons: ECT syntax for extension keys (\*) ------------------------------------------- *(\*) The syntax is based on a voting from spring 2007 in typo3.teams .extension-coordination.* The extension key kickstarter\_\_mvc shows how keys for add-ons should look like. Every few weeks somebody programs a new calendar extension from scratch because he needs a special feature, that is missing in all existing calendar extensions. Certainly his calendar is missing other features again and the next calender is started. The amount of calendar extensions in TER is rather of harm than of use. The recommended way is to have one base calendar (cal) and to add new features when needed. Best you add the feature together with the maintainer. But that often is theory. If you need to do it in form of an own extension for any reason, we recommend to do it in form of an add-on. Add-ons should have a special syntax for the keys. The name part of your add-on is appended to the extension key of the basis by use of double underscores. :: Example: cal + extraviews => cal__extraviews Add-ons can be done recursively: :: Example: cal__extraviews + part1=> cal__extraviews__part1 We plan to modify TER in a way, that add-ons can be directly listed below the extension. This way people get an overview quickly, what add-ons are available. |img-1| Extension Coordination Team - Coordinated extensions - 2 .. ######CUTTER_MARK_IMAGES###### .. |img-1| image:: img-1.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 32 .. :id: Graphic1 .. :name: Graphic1 .. :width: 102