.. include:: Images.txt .. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Include collection in forms, using Powermail v1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To use collections in HTML-forms (for example to build an orderform) this extension offers a way, using it in powermail (until v1.x). Since powermail v.2.0 it doesnt works, as espected. Maybe someone find a solution and want to publish it. There are two example templates inside the template folder (for checkboxes and as a selectbox). Example (Checkbox) """""""""""""""""" **HTML-Template:** :: ###PAGETITLE###
**TypoScript:** :: # eepcollect in powermail lib.powermailCheckbox_eepcollect < plugin.tx_eepcollect_pi1 lib.powermailCheckbox_eepcollect { userFunc = tx_eepcollect_pi1->maintemplateFile = EXT:eepcollect/template/eepcollect_powermail_checkbox.tmpl default_view_mode = view_list_mode pid_list = 123 } **Plugin powermail settings:** Use in your fieldset for your field a fieldtype called 'Add typoscript object' and in 'Typoscript object' settings write the name of your typoscript object called ' *lib.powermailCheckbox_eepcollect* '. Important! Compare the uids for pid_list (123) and powermail-field (321) with your real ones in templatefile and typoscript. |img-6| *Powermail v1.x*