.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _developer-manual: Developer Manual ================ This usage of this extensions follows the standards of extensions based on ``Extbase`` and ``FLUID``. You can adjust the ``FLUID`` templates a usual, by adding your template folders to the ``TypoScript``. .. important:: Include the *static template* named ``Simple FAQ`` into ``TypoScript``. .. important:: To use the *foldout animation* a ``jQuery`` library needs to be included in the ``HTML`` file. .. _developer-faq: FAQ --- How do I set the sys folder with the entries? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The *sysfolder* with the entries is either selected in the plugins form or can be set in the ``TypoScript Constants`` by providing a ``Default storage PID``. How do I set the size of the images? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The maximum size of the images is set in the ``TypoScript Constants`` as ``maximum width`` and ``maximum height``. The rest is to be controlled by ``CSS styles``. Why isn't the JS folding working? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``JS`` file depends on ``JQuery``. It needs to be included after the ``jQuery`` library. The ``JS`` file is included by the ``Typoscript`` ``page.includeJSFooter`` directive. Typically ``jQuery`` would be included by the ``page.includeJSFooterlibs.jquery`` directive to be included before:: page.includeJSFooterlibs.jquery = path/to/jquery.min.js page.includeJSFooter.ehfaq = EXT:ehfaq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/main.js How do I customize the templates? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the ``TypoScript Constants`` you can set your own template root directories for templates, partials and layout. I customized the templates. Why isn't the JS folding working any more? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To keep the ``JS`` script working your templates must keep the classes in the given hierarchy, while you can freely customize the ``HTML`` tags:: .tx-ehfaq .tx-ehfaq-topic .tx-ehfaq-topic-header .tx-ehfaq-topic-body .tx-ehfaq-topic .tx-ehfaq-topic-header .tx-ehfaq-topic-body There must be a parent-child relation between ``.tx-ehfaq-topic`` and ``.tx-ehfaq-header``.