.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _admin-manual: Administrator Manual ==================== Installation ------------ As stated in the previous chapter, this extension must be installed using Composer to be able to use the AWS SDK. From that point on configuration is pretty straight-forward. Head over to your CLI and run the following command .. code-block:: bash composer require maxserv/fal_s3 This wil take care of installing all dependencies like the AWS SDK and this extension. After installing it's necessary to flush the system caches. Configuration ------------- Add the following snippet to your :code:`AdditionalConfiguration.php` and adjust the values to meet your setup .. code-block:: php $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['fal_s3']['storageConfigurations']['contentStorage'] = array( 'basePath' => '/{$FOLDER_PREFIX}/' 'bucket' => 's3://{$BUCKET_NAME}', 'excludedFolders' => ['Secret/Stash', 'SomethingElse'], 'key' => '{$IAM_KEY}', 'publicBaseUrl' => 'https://{$CF_DISTRIBUTION_ID}.cloudfront.net', 'region' => 'eu-west-1', 'secret' => '{$IAM_SECRET}', 'title' => 'TYPO3 content storage', ); This adds a configuration fo the driver that is reference using **contentStorage**, this unique key is the only value stored in the `File Storage` DB record so this record doesn't need to be changed for each environment. - `basePath` is used as a prefix (folder) to store files. - `bucket` is the name of your S3 bucket. - `excludedFolders` is an array of folders that are present on S3, but should not be made available to TYPO3. - `key` the Access Key ID provided by AWS (see the IAM console). - `publicBaseUrl` is the URL of a CDN that will be used instead of :code:`https://{$BUCKET_NAME}.s3.amazonaws.com`. - `region` region to connect to. See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#s3_region for a list of available regions. - `secret` Secret Access Key provided by AWS (see the IAM console). - `title` The readable title you see as selectable option when editing a File Storage. Selecting the configuration to use ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once the configuration is added to :code:`AdditionalConfiguration.php` the preferred storage can be selected within the backend of TYPO3 CMS. .. figure:: ../Images/AdministratorManual/FileStorageConfiguration.png :width: 500px :alt: File Storage configuration Go to the `List` module and select the root page (pid:0). Click the storage you want to edit and select the `Configuration` tab. Choose `S3 driver for FAL` as the driver for this storage. Next choose the storage configuration that should be used.