.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Use feeditadvanced with any kind of record ------------------------------------------ By default feeditadvanced is configured to be used with normal content elements coming from the database table tt\_content. You can however use it with any database table, enabling you to also edit the records found in those tables with feeditadvanced. The following text was originally written by `Dan Osipov `_ . Here is some simple TypoScript code which you can put into the setup section of your TypoScript template. It allows you to edit tt\_news records from the frontend: :: plugin.tt_news.displayList.title_stdWrap.editPanel = 1 plugin.tt_news.displayList.title_stdWrap.editPanel { editPanel = 1 allow = edit,hide,delete line = 5 label = %s onlyCurrentPid = 0 previewBorder = 4 edit.displayRecord = 1 } Here is what you will see in the frontend, next to each tt\_news title marker: .. figure:: ../Images/tt_news_record.png :alt: Display of a tt_news record. And if you click edit, you will get the editing form from feeditadvanced allowing you to modify the record: .. figure:: ../Images/tt_news_record_editing_view.png :alt: Editing view of a tt_news record. Generally, any record which has stdWrap properties can be wrapped in this code to enable FE editing.