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Auto admin confirmation


Available since 4.0.0

If you turn on an adminconfirmation by adding an email address in the FlexForm field, admins normally have to confirm new requests from users. But it’s possible to implement some own magic to make a confirmation happen automaticly. You can add own AutoAdminConfirmation classes to bring in own magic (auto confirmation for an IP-Range, etc…). At the moment, femanager offers only one AutoAdminConfirmation class, which decided which users are auto-confirmed by the top-level-domain of the email-address.


Small example

Accept every user profile from domains de, it, ch and at:

plugin.tx_femanager.settings {
    autoAdminConfirmation {
         # Femanager autoAdminConfirmation classes
         10 {
             class = In2code\Femanager\Domain\Service\AutoAdminConfirmation\EmailDomainConfirmation
             config {
                 # Just look at the domains of the given Email-Addresses
                 confirmByEmailDomains = .de, .it, .ch, .at

Extended example

Accept every user profile from domains de, it, ch and at but not if they are using or

plugin.tx_femanager.settings {
    autoAdminConfirmation {
         # Femanager autoAdminConfirmation classes
         10 {
             class = In2code\Femanager\Domain\Service\AutoAdminConfirmation\EmailDomainConfirmation
             config {
                 # Just look at the domains of the given Email-Addresses
                 confirmByEmailDomains = .de, .it, .ch, .at
                 confirmByEmailDomainsExceptions =,


Of course you can add your own classes to bring in some own magic.



plugin.tx_femanager.settings {
    autoAdminConfirmation {
         # Femanager autoAdminConfirmation classes
         100 {
             # Classname that should be called with method isAutoAdminConfirmationFullfilled()
             class = In2code\FemanagerExtended\Domain\Service\AutoAdminConfirmation\IpAddressConfirmation
             # optional: Add configuration for your PHP
             config {
                 ip =

                 foo = bar

                 fooCObject = TEXT
                 fooCObject.value = do something with this text


namespace In2code\FemanagerExtended\Domain\Service\AutoAdminConfirmation;

use In2code\Femanager\Domain\Service\AutoAdminConfirmation\AbstractConfirmation;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;

 * Class IpAddressConfirmation
class IpAddressConfirmation extends AbstractConfirmation

     * @return bool
    public function isAutoConfirmed(): bool
        return GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REMOTE_ADDR') === $this->config['ip']);

Some notices

  • Called method in Confirmation class is always isAutoConfirmed()
  • Confirmation classes must implement In2codeFemanagerDomainServiceAutoAdminConfirmationConfirmationInterface or extend In2codeFemanagerDomainServiceAutoAdminConfirmationAbstractConfirmation
  • You have to take care, that your class is included from TYPO3 autoloader otherwise it’s not included
  • Per default femanager offers only EmailDomainConfirmation class at the momment