.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _known-problems: Known problems ============== - NOTE: As mentioned before, you currently cannot use file pages in content elements that work directly with files e.g. media, image and filelinks. - NOTE: Upon installing the file page extension, the icon for file pages may be currupt. You can fix this by logging out and back in again in the typo3 backend. - **IMPORTANT NOTE**: If your 'Minimum number of files' config setting is non-zero, typo3 may not allow you to upload files for newly created file pages. In file page versions < 1.3.0, the default value was 1, so you should update this value. (solution: go to extension configuration, set key 'keep_replaced_files_min_files' to 0). - NOTE: The default style config settings have been changed to suit the current style of the typo3 backend. If you have used a file page version < 1.3.0, then you should update your style settings (solution: go to extension configuration, set key 'delete_replaced_files_box_style' and 'keep_replaced_files_box_style' to your desired setting or the default 'min-height: 30px' - without the single quotes) - NOTE: The height of the file selector box in typo3 v7.6 may not look as expected based on your config settings. In this case you can use the style settings to influence the visual appearance. (see above) Please report bugs here: https://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-filepage/issues