This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Options in the constant editor

1) conf_enable: enable or disable the fl_realurl_image rewriting of the image path default: 1

2) conf_data: define where fl_realurl_image gets its information from to generate a meaningful filename. In a hierarchy you can give more options separate by “//”. fl_realur_image will use the first that gives a result. For using a fixed text, just insert it: my_image_standard_file_name for using a information from the file info, use e.g.: file:origFile for using another TS value in the image object, e.g. the alt attribut, use: ts:altText // ts:titleText for using a information from the page use: page:title // page:description // page:keywords default: dam:title // file:origFile // ts:altText // page:title // image

3) conf_case: Transform the file name in either “upper” or “lower” case. default: lower

4) conf_trim: trim white spaces before generating the file name default: 1

5) conf_crop: limit the file name to a maximum lenth. Default: 210| |1

6) conf_spaceCharacter The charakter for space in the file name default: -

7) conf_smartEncoding use the smartEncoding option to get nice ASCII file names default: 1

8) conf_folder The folder where the fl_realurl_images are stored, either as link or only as DB simulation (see extension manager config: linkStatic). default: typo3temp/fl_realurl_image

9) conf_hashLength To keep file names unique a short hash at the end of each image is recommended. fl_realurl_image will extend the hash length automatically if it comes to a collision. But collisions always mean that the image might change its file name after a complete cache clear. So it is recommended to keep the chance of collisions low with a short hash at the end of any image. default: 2