.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. _introduction: Introduction ============ .. _what-it-does: What does it do? ---------------- This extension provides a renderer for flexible content elements (FCEs) built with Fluid and TYPO3 core features. It can be used as a user function (``userFunc``) to render a Fluid template similar to the FLUIDTEMPLATE content object but with some additional features: * ``$this->cObj->data`` variables will be available directly in the template (no need to prefix them with ``data.``) * Flexform fields are parsed and all Flexform variables will be directly available in the template * Flexform sections are supported, which allows to build powerful FCEs with nested structured content Everything is done with core features, so you don't need TemplaVoilá or other extensions.