Fluid Page Templates for Twitter Bootstrap ========================================== > An extension providing a set of specially formatted Fluid templates usable as page templates enabled by `EXT:fluidpages` [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/FluidTYPO3/fluidpages_bootstrap.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/FluidTYPO3/fluidpages_bootstrap) ## What does it do? Provides a set of template files and static TypoScript necessary to include and use those templates as page templates. ## How does it do it? By leveraging the integration logic provided by `EXT:fluidpages` - enabling use of specially constructed Fluid templates as page templates, much like TemplaVoila page templates. ## How is it installed? Download, install the extension and include the static TypoScript configuration. ## How is it used? After installation and inclusion of the static TypoScript configuration, a new group of templates is added to the page template selection boxes in page properties - configurable with a page template to use for all subpages, just like TemplaVoila. ## References * https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/flux is a dependency and is used to configure how the content template variable are defined. * https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/vhs is a highly suggested companion extension for creating Fluid Page templates * https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/fluidpages_bootstrap is a collection of Fluid Page templates written for Twitter Bootstrap using VHS ViewHelpers