.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) ChangeLog --------- .. tabularcolumns:: |r|p{13.7cm}| ======= ========== ======================================================================= Version Date Changes ======= ========== ======================================================================= 1.1.4 2016-02-24 - Mark as obsolete 1.1.3 2016-02-10 - Added german translations 1.1.2 2015-08-26 - Bugfix: Paging is never shown 1.1.1 2015-06-24 - Bugfix: Layouts in EXT:form4_teaser/ext_localconf.php are registered with absolute path, therefore overriding the layoutRootPath has no effect for these layouts. 1.1.0 2015-05-08 - Changed: Implementation of custom sorting and sorting by pagetree. The sorting were done in dedicated QueryResult classes and was moved to the SortingsUtility. - Improvement: Sorting by pagetree rewritten for a massive performance enhancement on large sites - Bugfix: Paginate Widget default values are different from those of the Fluid Paginate Widget - Bugfix: When no pages are configured the query fails 1.0.4 2014-12-16 - Bugfix: Paginate Widget does not expect objects to be in an array - Bugfix: sorting by pagetree has side effects when more there are multiple teaser plugins on one page - Feature: cObject-data is assigned to the view 1.0.3 2014-12-12 - Changed some select boxes to check boxes in Flexform - Added Doktype black list to extconf - Bugfix: accessibility of pages is respected properly - Bugfix: sorting by pagetree actually sorts by the sorting field but not by pagetree 1.0.2 2014-10-29 - Bugfix: LayoutRootPath is ignored 1.0.1 2014-10-15 - Moved model-table-mapping completly to ext_typoscript_setup.txt - Increased dependency on form4_pages to at least version 0.2.4 - Updated manual: including the static template of form4_pages is no longer necessary. 1.0.0 2014-09-19 - Rewritten API - Refactored a lot of code - Added: possibility to register custom sortings and sorting directions - Leaner layout implementation - Cleaned up plugin settings - Added TS constants for all plugin settings 0.0.2 2014-08-21 - Added filter for categorized pages - Added pages blacklist - Added option: show pages hidden in navigation - Added option: hide parent pages 0.0.1 2014-07-09 - First release ======= ========== =======================================================================