Dynamic email target for formhandler. ========= You can add rules to send emails for admin based on value typed by user. Configuration ---- - Install extension - Next you need add finisher for [formhandler] which extend finisher from this extension - plugin.Tx_Formhandler.settings.predef.nameOfForm.finishers.1.class = Finisher_Mail_Addon - class Tx_Formhandler_Finisher_Mail_Addon extends \Macopedia\FormhandlerDynamictarget\Finisher\Mail { } Backend settings ---- Go to list view and find records from this extension - First define email "Recipient Email" - Type name and email (emails) - Second create condition "Dynamic Target Conditions" - Type title - Add new Rule - Type title - For input name you have to open page source in your browser with your formhandler form and find input to condition, copy this name. You should have in clipboard somethins like that: - yourFormName[fieldname] \- in this case type: fieldname - yourFormName[fieldname][additionalName] \- in this case type: fieldname, additionalName - For "Value" just copy value from input (in any cases it shuld be string or integer) - Create as many rules as you want to use in one condition - Next select recipient email from selectbox "Email addresses" - The last one, you need to define if all rules above have to be true (select "ALL") or just any of them (select "ANY") - Save record - Now you need to go for formhandler tt_content in backend. You can see additional tab "Extended". Go there and select your condition. - Save record. [formhandler]:http://www.typo3-formhandler.com/