This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

TypoScript cheat-sheet

Below is a complete tree which displays almost the totality of the provided TypoScript configurations.

You can find details of the properties at the chapter “Configuration TypoScript”.

# The configuration root is `config.tx_formz`.
config.tx_formz {
    settings {
        # List of default parameters for forms.
        defaultFormSettings {
            # This CSS class will be given by default to the tag `<form>` of
            # every form.
            defaultClass = test-class

            # Error message used by default after the validation of a field,
            # if none is found.
            defaultErrorMessage = LLL:EXT:extension/.../locallang.xlf:default_error

        # List of parameters given by default to the form fields.
        defaultFieldSettings {
            # Selector of the field HTML container.
            fieldContainerSelector = .fz-field-#FIELD#

            # Selector of the messages HTML container.
            messageContainerSelector = .fz-messages-#FIELD#

            # Selector of the messages list HTML container.
            messageListSelector = .fz-messages-list-#FIELD#

            # HTML template used by the messages returned by the field
            # validation.
            messageTemplate = <span class="fz-message-#TYPE#">#MESSAGE#</span>

    # Here is the list of forms using FormZ.
    forms {
        # The key is the name of the PHP class of the form model.
        \Vendor\Extension\Form\MyForm {
            # List of conditions which can be used by fields and validation
            # rules.
            activationCondition {
                # This condition is verified when the field `password`
                # contains a valid value.
                passwordIsValid {
                    type = fieldIsValid
                    fieldName = passWord

            # List of the form fields. Each property below must also be set
            # in the PHP class.
            fields {
                # The key is the name of the field.
                email {
                    # List of validation rules bounded to this field.
                    validation {
                        # The field is required. This rule has already been
                        # defined, we may then get it with the proper
                        # TypoScript path.
                        required < config.tx_formz.validators.required
                        required.messages {
                            # We can override the error message returned if
                            # the field did not pass the validation.
                            default.value = The email field is required!

                        # A second rule: the entered value must be a valid
                        # email address.
                        isEmail <
                        isEmail.messages {
                            # Overriding the message. Note that above we
                            # used `value` for a fixed message, here we use
                            # a localization reference.
                            default {
                                key = error_email
                                extension = my_extension

                # A password field, which is required and must contain at
                # least 8 characters.
                password {
                    validation {
                        required < config.tx_formz.validators.required

                        stringLength < required < config.tx_formz.validators.stringLength
                        stringLength.options {
                            minimum = 8
                            maximum = 128

                # A repeat password field. It is activated only when the
                # password is valid, and must contain the exact same value.
                passwordRepeat {
                    validation {
                        required < config.tx_formz.validators.required

                        isSamePassword < config.tx_formz.validators.equalsToField
                        isSamePassword.options {
                            field = password

                    # The field is activated only when the field `password`
                    # is valid.
                    activation.expression = passwordIsValid

        \Vendor\Extension\Form\MyOtherForm {
            # ...