.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _usersManual-typoScript-configurationBehaviours: Behaviours ========== A behaviour is a process bound to a field, and allows to dynamically modify its value. It will be called before the validation of a field, allowing more flexibility to the rules. A good example is available within the core of FormZ: ``toLowerCase`` is a behaviour to transform to lower case the value of a field. For instance, it can be used on a field containing an email address. .. hint:: By convention, every time a new common behaviour is configured, its configuration should be set at the path ``config.tx_formz.behaviours``; this way, it may be used again by different fields. Properties ---------- You can find below the list of parameters usable by a field. =========================================== ================= Property Title =========================================== ================= \* :ref:`className ` Name of the class =========================================== ================= ----- .. _behaviourClassName: Name of the class ----------------- .. container:: table-row Property ``className`` Required? Yes Description Contains the name of the PHP class used by this behaviour. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript config.tx_formz.behaviours.toLowerCase { className = Romm\Formz\Behaviours\ToLowerCaseBehaviour }