This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Installation and usage


You can find a schema below to easily understand the proceedings of a form usage:

Schema representing a form creation


To make FormZ work properly, you must install:

  • configuration_object – this extension allows converting the FormZ TypoScript configuration. Without detailing too much, its principal feature is to detect errors in configuration. It's mandatory.

    You can install it:

  • formz – the hearth of the extension.

    You can install it:

    • With Composer : composer require romm/formz:*
    • With the TER : FormZ

Creating a new form

Here are the main steps for setting up a new form. Note that you can read the small guide which explains the creation of a full form here: “Guide: full creation of a form”.


To understand quickly how it works, you can download an extension containing a form example in the chapter “Example”.

The PHP side

To initiate the creation of a new form, it is advised to begin with the development of the PHP architecture.

A form will be represented by a data model (see “Form model”), and its display should be managed by a plug-in (or other), handled by a controller. Until then, it is a common way to deal with an extension based on Extbase.

The true usefulness of the extension comes with the usage of form validators and field validators. You may read the chapters “Form validator” and “Validator”.


The HTML integration of a form is similar to a classic Fluid integration, but some tools must be used, and some standards respected to insure the form proper functioning.

Check the chapters in “Integrator manual“ to read more.


Once the displaying is handled, the validation rules can be managed with TypoScript configuration.

To learn how to configure the several settings, read the chapters in “User manual”.

You can find below an example of a tree view of the needed files for a form set up.

List of files for a form

“Debug” mode

A “Debug” mode is available and allows, if activated, to get additional information when a problem occurs.

To activate it, go in the extension manager, inside the FormZ options, and check the option “debugMode”.


It is highly discouraged to activate this mode in a production environment!