This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Documenting changes

FormZ is using a similar way as TYPO3 for documenting its changes. The official guide on how to contribute can be found here:

Some rules differ though:

  • The folder master is replaced by Development.
  • No forge issue number can be used, so the filename convention is set to <type>-<UpperCamelCaseDescription>.rst
  • Tagging changes is not mandatory.
  • The folder containing a version and its changes must be prefixed by v (e.g. v2.3.4).

New release

For a new release, the steps below must be followed:

  1. The folder Release should be duplicated to a new folder named after the new version number (prefixed by a v);
  2. Every changelog file in Development/Changes must be moved into the Changes sub-folder of the newly created folder;
  3. The files Release.txt must be updated with correct information about the new release;
  4. The file Notes.rst should contain general information about the new release.


You can find the current development branch changelog here: Branch “development”.


For the release of the version 1.42.0:


|── Development
|   |── Index.rst
|   |── Changes
|       |── Feature-SomeFeature.rst
|       |── Deprecation-SomeDeprecationChange.rst
|── Release
|   |── Index.rst
|   |── Notes.rst
|   |── Release.txt


|── Development
|   |── Index.rst
|── v1.42.0
|   |── Index.rst
|   |── Notes.rst
|   |── Release.txt
|   |── Changes
|       |── Feature-SomeFeature.rst
|       |── Deprecation-SomeDeprecationChange.rst