.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _usersManual-typoScript-configurationFields: Fields ====== The fields are the properties of a form's PHP model. For each field having a custom behaviour (for instance a validation rule), you must fill its TypoScript configuration. .. hint:: By convention, every time a new common field is configured, its configuration should be set at the path ``config.tx_formz.fields``; this way, it may be used again by another form. A good example of a common field is “email”: several forms may use this field with the exact same configuration. Properties ---------- You can find below the list of parameters usable by a field. ======================================================================================= ===================================== Property Title ======================================================================================= ===================================== :ref:`validation ` Field validation rules :ref:`behaviours ` Field behaviours :ref:`activation.conditions ` Activation conditions :ref:`activation.expression ` Field activation expression :ref:`settings.fieldContainerSelector ` Field container selector :ref:`settings.messageContainerSelector ` Message container selector :ref:`settings.messageListSelector ` Message list container selector :ref:`settings.messageTemplate ` Message template ======================================================================================= ===================================== ----- .. _fieldsValidation: Field validation ---------------- .. container:: table-row Property ``validation`` Required? No Description Contains the list of validators and their rules used for the field's validation. Validators will be evaluated following the order of their declaration. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript config.tx_formz.fields.phoneNumber { validation { # The phone number is required. required < config.tx_formz.validators.required # The phone number must have 10 numbers. numberLength < config.tx_formz.validators.numberLength numberLength.options { minimum = 10 maximum = 10 } } } .. note:: Note that the validators configurations are fetched directly from ``config.tx_formz.validators``. It prevents a configuration duplication when the validators are used at several places. .. _fieldsBehaviours: Field behaviours ---------------- .. container:: table-row Property ``behaviours`` Required? No Description Contains the list of behaviours used by the field. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript config.tx_formz.fields.email { behaviours { # Email address is switched to lower case. toLowerCase < config.tx_formz.behaviours.toLowerCase } } .. note:: Note that the validators configurations are fetched directly from ``config.tx_formz.behaviours``. It prevents a configuration duplication when the behaviours are used at several places. .. _fieldsActivation-conditions: Activation conditions --------------------- .. container:: table-row Property ``activation.conditions`` Required? No Description Contains the list of activation conditions which are then usable by this field only. Note that this list will be merged with the one from the property ``activationCondition`` of the form, as its usage is exactly the same: see “:ref:`Conditions d'activation `”. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript activation { items { colorIsGreen { type = fieldHasValue fieldName = color fieldValue = green } } } .. _fieldsActivation-expression: Field activation ---------------- .. container:: table-row Property ``activation.expression`` Required? No Description Contains the field activation condition: a logical expression to describe how the field is activated. For more information on this, read the chapter “:ref:`usersManual-typoScript-configurationActivation`”. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript activation { condition = colorIsRed || colorIsBlue } .. _fieldsSettings-fieldContainerSelector: Field container selector ------------------------ .. container:: table-row Property ``settings.fieldContainerSelector`` Required? No Description Contains the CSS selector which will be used to fetch the container containing the field. For instance, it may be a ``
`` element. Note that the marker ``#FIELD#`` is dynamically replaced by the name of the field. The default value of this parameter is: ``[fz-field-container="#FIELD#"]``. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript config.tx_formz.forms.MyVendor\MyExtension\Form\ExampleForm { fields { email { settings { fieldContainerSelector = [fz-field-container="#FIELD#"] } } firstName { settings { fieldContainerSelector = .names } } lastName { settings { fieldContainerSelector = .names } } } } .. note:: You can regroup several fields by assigning them the same container selector, as in the example above. .. _fieldsSettings-messageContainerSelector: Message container selector --------------------------- .. container:: table-row Property ``settings.messageContainerSelector`` Required? No Description Contains the CSS selector which will be used to fetch the field message container. Note that the marker ``#FIELD#`` is dynamically replaced by the name of the field. The default value of this parameter is: ``[fz-field-message-container="#FIELD#"]``. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript config.tx_formz.forms.MyVendor\MyExtension\Form\ExampleForm { fields { email { settings { messageContainerSelector = #errors-email } } } } .. _fieldsSettings-messageListSelector: Message list selector --------------------- .. container:: table-row Property ``settings.messageListSelector`` Required? No Description Contains the CSS selector which will be used to fetch the block containing the field messages. It's a second selection layout for the message container (``settings.messageContainerSelector``): it allows adding static HTML contents which wont be cleaned up by JavaScript during the message refreshing. Note that the marker ``#FIELD#`` is dynamically replaced by the name of the field. The default value of this parameter is: ``[fz-field-message-list="#FIELD#"]``. If an empty value is set, then the message container will be used. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript config.tx_formz.forms.MyVendor\MyExtension\Form\ExampleForm { fields { email { settings { messageListSelector = } } } } .. _fieldsSettings-messageTemplate: Message template ---------------- .. container:: table-row Property ``settings.messageTemplate`` Required? No Description HTML template used by JavaScript for the messages. The default value of this parameter is: .. code-block:: html #MESSAGE# In the template, the following values are dynamically replaced: * **#FIELD#**: name of the field; * **#FIELD_ID#**: “id” attribute of the field. Note that for fields of type “radio” or “checkbox” using this marker is useless. * **#VALIDATOR#**: name of the validation rule which sent this message. For instance, it can be ``required``; * **#TYPE#**: message type, often an error (in which case the value is ``error``); * **#KEY#**: key of the sent message. Most of the time, it will be ``default``; * **#MESSAGE#**: the message body. **Example:** .. code-block:: typoscript config.tx_formz.forms.MyVendor\MyExtension\Form\ExampleForm { fields { email { settings { messageTemplate =
  • } } } }