.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _cheatSheets-typoScript: TypoScript cheat-sheet ====================== Below is a complete tree which displays almost the totality of the provided TypoScript configurations. You can find details of the properties at the chapter “:ref:`usersManual-typoScript`”. ----- .. code-block:: typoscript # The configuration root is `config.tx_formz`. config.tx_formz { settings { # List of default parameters for forms. defaultFormSettings { # This CSS class will be given by default to the tag `
` of # every form. defaultClass = test-class # Error message used by default after the validation of a field, # if none is found. defaultErrorMessage = LLL:EXT:extension/.../locallang.xlf:default_error } # List of parameters given by default to the form fields. defaultFieldSettings { # Selector of the field HTML container. fieldContainerSelector = .fz-field-#FIELD# # Selector of the messages HTML container. messageContainerSelector = .fz-messages-#FIELD# # Selector of the messages list HTML container. messageListSelector = .fz-messages-list-#FIELD# # HTML template used by the messages returned by the field # validation. messageTemplate = #MESSAGE# } } # Here is the list of forms using FormZ. forms { # The key is the name of the PHP class of the form model. \Vendor\Extension\Form\MyForm { # List of conditions which can be used by fields and validation # rules. activationCondition { # This condition is verified when the field `password` # contains a valid value. passwordIsValid { type = fieldIsValid fieldName = passWord } } # List of the form fields. Each property below must also be set # in the PHP class. fields { # The key is the name of the field. email { # List of validation rules bounded to this field. validation { # The field is required. This rule has already been # defined, we may then get it with the proper # TypoScript path. required < config.tx_formz.validators.required required.messages { # We can override the error message returned if # the field did not pass the validation. default.value = The email field is required! } # A second rule: the entered value must be a valid # email address. isEmail < config.tx_formz.validators.email isEmail.messages { # Overriding the message. Note that above we # used `value` for a fixed message, here we use # a localization reference. default { key = error_email extension = my_extension } } } } # A password field, which is required and must contain at # least 8 characters. password { validation { required < config.tx_formz.validators.required stringLength < required < config.tx_formz.validators.stringLength stringLength.options { minimum = 8 maximum = 128 } } } # A repeat password field. It is activated only when the # password is valid, and must contain the exact same value. passwordRepeat { validation { required < config.tx_formz.validators.required isSamePassword < config.tx_formz.validators.equalsToField isSamePassword.options { field = password } } # The field is activated only when the field `password` # is valid. activation.expression = passwordIsValid } } } \Vendor\Extension\Form\MyOtherForm { # ... } } }