This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

General configuration

You do not have to configure anything other the templates.


Including the Foundation Framework

The extension does not ship the Foundation Zurb CSS/JS files. This way, you can choose the version you would like to have.


page.includeJSFooterlibs {
        jQuery = EXT:yourExtenstion/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Vendor/jquery.min.js
        jQuery {
        allWrap = <!--[if gte IE 9]><!-->|<!--<![endif]-->
        forceOnTop = 1
        jqueryUI = EXT:yourExtenstion/Resources/Public/Vendor/jquery-ui.js
        foundationCore = EXT:yourExtenstion/Resources/Public/Vendor/foundation.min.js
         # load older jQuery version for older browsers < IE9
    jQueryOld = EXT:yourExtenstion/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Vendor/jquery-1.12.0.min.js
    jQueryOld {
        allWrap = <!--[if lt IE 9]>|<![endif]-->
        forceOnTop = 1
page.includeJSFooter {
        motionUi = EXT:yourExtenstion/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Vendor/motion-ui.min.js


page.includeCSS {
        foundationCss = EXT:yourExtenstion/Resources/Public/Css/foundation.min.css
        motionUi = EXT:yourExtenstion/Resources/Public/Css/motion-ui.min.css

You can find the Motion-UI library here:

Changing paths of the template.

Define on your TypoScript file the path that your templates are located.

tt_content {
foundation_reveal {
                templateRootPaths.500 = EXT:yourExtention/Resources/Private/Templates/
                partialRootPaths.500 = EXT:yourExtention/Resources/Private/Partials/
                templateName = Reveal.html