.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) TypoScript-Reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Here you can make some settings. ======================================== ============= ================================================================================= =========== Property Data type Description Default ======================================== ============= ================================================================================= =========== view.templateRootPaths.0 & .1 string Path to the main template. EXT:... view.partialRootPaths.0 & .1 string Path to the partials of the template. EXT:... view.layoutRootPaths.0 & .1 string Path to the layout template. EXT:... persistence.storagePid int Storage PID of the slider elements. Can be defined by the plugin too. settings.listId int Link to a list-page. settings.showId int Link to a single-page. settings.sortOrder int sorting order: asc or desc. asc settings.limit int Limit: how many entries should be shown? 0: all. settings.fractionslider.* array Settings for the "jQuery-FractionSlider". settings.sliderpro.* array Settings for the "Professional jQuery Content Slider Plugin - Slider Pro". settings.sliderrevolution.* array Settings for the "Slider revolution". settings.more.* array Settings for an additional slide. ======================================== ============= ================================================================================= =========== Example ~~~~~~~ Here an TypoScript constants example: :: plugin.tx_fpfractionslider_pi1.view { templateRootPath = fileadmin/Resources/Private/Slider/Templates/ partialRootPath = fileadmin/Resources/Private/Slider/Partials/ layoutRootPath = fileadmin/Resources/Private/Slider/Layouts/ } Here some TypoScript setup example: :: plugin.tx_fpfractionslider.persistence.storagePid > plugin.tx_fpfractionslider.persistence.storagePid = 603 plugin.tx_fpfractionslider.settings.limit = 10 plugin.tx_fpfractionslider.settings.fractionslider.timeout = 3000 Note: visit the homepage of the slider plugin to understand the settings of each slider.