This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Configuration Reference

Configuration is possible via TypoScript, FlexForms and some points can be configured at the quiz in the list view.

Here I will describe the TypoScript settings only.

TypoScript Reference

The TypoScript settings can be changed via the TypoScript-Object-Browser. tx_fpmasterquiz.view, tx_fpmasterquiz.persistence and persistence.features are like in other extensions. Here is only a list of the tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.


Property Data type Description Default
startPageUid integer UID of the page where the quiz beginns. 1
defaultQuizUid integer UID of the quiz to show. 1
showAnswerPage boolean Show an answer page after every submit? 1
showAnswersAtFinalPage boolean Show solutions at the final page? 0
showOwnAnswers boolean Show the answers of the quiz taker? 1
showCorrectAnswers boolean Show the correct answers? 1
showAllAnswers boolean Show finally all answers (no. of choices)? 0
showPoints boolean Show the possible/reached points? 1
showPageNo boolean Show the page number / number of pages? 1
showQuestionNo boolean Show the question no. / no. of questions? 0
allowHtml boolean Allow HTML at question-answers from the BE? 0
ajax boolean Enable the AJAX-version* of the quiz? 0
user.ipSave boolean Save the IP-address of a user? 1
user.ipAnonymous boolean Anonymize the IP-address? 1
user.askForData boolean Ask for user data at the first page of a quiz? 0
user.defaultName string Default user name ({TIME} will be replaced). default {TIME}
user.defaultEmail string Default user email.  
user.defaultHomepage string Default user homepage.  
pagebrowser.itemsPerPage integer Number of questions on a page. 1
pagebrowser.insertAbove boolean You don´t need this. 0
pagebrowser.insertBelow boolean You don´t need this. 0
pagebrowser.maximumNum… integer You don´t need this. 50
template.colText string Class for a question with answers. col-md-8
template.colImage string Class for the image of a question. col-md-4
template.wrapQuizTitle1 string Wrap for the quiz title. <h2>
template.wrapQuizTitle2 string Wrap for the quiz title. </h2>
template.wrapQuizDesc1 string Wrap for the quiz description. <h3>
template.wrapQuizDesc2 string Wrap for the quiz description. </h3>
template.wrapQuestionTitle1 string Wrap for the question title. <div class=”mx-auto”><h4>
template.wrapQuestionTitle2 string Wrap for the question title. </h4></div>
template.wrapQuestionDesc1 string Wrap for the question description. <div class=”mx-auto”>
template.wrapQuestionDesc2 string Wrap for the question description. </div>
template.wrapDone1 string Wrap for the done-msg at the final page. <h4>
template.wrapDone2 string Wrap for the done-msg at the final page. </h4>
chart.type string Currently only pie or chart. pie
chart.width integer Width of the chart. 492
templateLayout integer See in chapter PageTSconfig**.  
overrideFlexformSettings… string Fields that should be overwritten if empty. startPageUid,…
debug boolean Show debug data at the page. 0
typeNum integer Type of the AJAX-call. Don´t change it. 190675

AJAX*) If you enable AJAX, you should know this:

  • The FlexForms will be ignored, because the AJAX-call does not know the plugin.
  • Configure the quiz only by TypoScript. You need to set the persistence.storagePid too!
  • The AJAX-call calls an normal action and not an eID-script. Therefore it is necessary to set this TypoScript: plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.features.requireCHashArgumentForActionArguments = 0 This is set by default. You can change the value to 1, if you do not use the AJAX-version. If it is still not working, you can disable the cHash-check in the install tool: [FE][pageNotFoundOnCHashError] = false

Layout**) If you use template layout 1, you should know this:

  • The charts settings will be ignored if you use another layout.
  • The ApexCharts will be used automatically. More information:



plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.pagebrowser.itemsPerPage = 2

Show 2 questions per page.


plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.user.defaultName = User {TIME}

Every quiz-taker gets a name in the database. If “user.askForData=0” then this name will be used. {TIME} will be replaced by date and time.


plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.showAnswerPage = 0

No answer page will be shown after every submit.


With this TypoScript you can configure a simple poll with a pie chart as result:

plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.persistence.storagePid = 279
plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.startPageUid = 279
plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.defaultQuizUid = 9
plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.showAnswerPage = 0
plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.showAnswersAtFinalPage = 1
plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.showCorrectAnswers = 0
plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.showAllAnswers = 1
plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.showPoints = 0
plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.templateLayout = 1
plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.template.wrapDone1 = <div class="hidden">
plugin.tx_fpmasterquiz.settings.template.wrapDone2 = </div>


  • What about the evaluation of a quiz?

    This can be configured at every quiz.