This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


For working with the extension, the following can be run to accomplish common tasks.


Run the following command to execute the PHP codesniffer:

npm run php:codesniffer

Run the following command to run the PHP Unit tests:

npm run php:unittests

Run this command to simulate the full build process locally:

npm run build:suite --silent

Add node_modules to Public/Resources folder

Add the toastr (notifications) node_module to Public/Resources folder:

npm run add:resource:toastr

Add the immutable ( node_module to Public/Resources folder:

npm run add:resource:immutable


The extension is using SASS. The build-process order is:

  • CSS linting, based on TYPO3.CMS (stylelint)
  • Compile to CSS (node-sass)
  • Add vendor prefixes, based on TYPO3.CMS (autoprefixer)
  • Minifying CSS (postcss-clean)

Use the following watch command while developing:

npm run watch:css

Use the following command to build the stylesheets:

npm run build:css


Use the following command to copy all necessary node_modules into Public/Resources folder and compile the SASS:

npm run build:extension