This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Inline Editing

After the frontend editing have been activated from within TYPO3´s backend there are one scenario that needs to been taking into account. It is what kind of templating engine are used for the frontend template for the websites that you are using.

CSS Styled Content

If the installation are using the well known (and old) extension which is called css_styled_content are being used. The functionality comes straight out of the box and the editing can start directly.

Fluid Styled Content


If fluid_styled_content is not included on the website or is disabled, the Typoscript of editIcons must be set manually.

lib.fluidContent {
        stdWrap {
                editIcons = tt_content:header

When it comes to fluid_styled_content there are some things that needs to be adjusted to your template to get the editing to work. First of all there is a view helper that needs to be included and configured.


<html xmlns:core=""


First, find the content that you want editable and wrap it with the view helper:

The available options are:

  • table: The database table name to where the data should be saved
  • field: The database field to where the data should be saved (optional)
  • uid: The database field to where the data should be saved

A full example for inline editing of a certain field looks like this:

<core:contentEditable table="{item.table}" field="{item.field}" uid="{item.uid}">

The output would then look like the following in frontend edit mode:

<div contenteditable="true" data-table="tt_content" data-field="bodytext" data-uid="1">
        This is the content text to edit

While not in frontend edit mode the output are the following:

This is the content text to edit

There is also a possibility to make the content element editable through the popup backend editor. It is done by skipping the field option in the view helper:

<core:contentEditable table="tt_content" uid="{data.uid}">


If you are listing elements with TypoScript only, you can still include the editing icons using the included hook into TYPO3 rendering process. This example lists editable the frontend user names and emails:

page.20 = CONTENT
page.20 {
        table = fe_users
        select.pidInList = 38
        renderObj = COA
        renderObj.10 = TEXT
        renderObj.10 {
                field = username
                wrap = Username:|<br/>
                stdWrap.editIcons = fe_users: username
                stdWrap.editIcons.beforeLastTag = 1
        renderObj.20 = TEXT
        renderObj.20 {
                field = email
                wrap = Email:|<br/><br/>
                stdWrap.editIcons = fe_users:email
                stdWrap.editIcons.beforeLastTag = 1
        stdWrap.editIcons = pages:users
        stdWrap.editIcons.hasEditableFields = 1