.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Add Supersized via TypoScript ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can add Supersized via TypoScript for the whole website or a website section. Example """"""" Include the static template (see above). Configure the plugin in your template setup: :: plugin.tx_frsupersized { settings { general { # the images have to be in folder /uploads/tx_frsupersized/ slides = myImage1.jpg,myImage2.jpg,myImage3.jpg } fullbackground { verticalCenter = 1 horizontalCenter = 1 } slideshow { slideshow = 1 autoplay = 1 thumbLinks = 1 } } } Define a user function: :: lib.supersized = USER lib.supersized { userFunc = tx_extbase_core_bootstrap->run pluginName = Pi1 extensionName = Frsupersized controller = Supersized action = index settings =< plugin.tx_frsupersized.settings persistence =< plugin.tx_frsupersized.persistence view =< plugin.tx_frsupersized.view } Include the user function in your page configuration: :: page = PAGE page { .... mySupersizedMarker < lib.supersized .... }