.. Editor configuration ................................................... * utf-8 with BOM as encoding * tab indent with 4 characters for code snippet. * optional: soft carriage return preferred. .. Includes roles, substitutions, ... .. include:: _IncludedDirectives.rst ================= Extension Name ================= :Extension name: FTM - Theme - Dummy :Extension key: ftm_theme_dummy :Version: 1.0 :Description: manuals covering TYPO3 extension "FTM - Theme - Dummy" :Language: en :Author: Thomas Deuling :Creation: 2013-07-23 :Generation: 15:22 :Licence: Open Content License available from `www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml `_ The content of this document is related to TYPO3, a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from `www.typo3.org `_ What does it do? ================= In this the theme dummy for Fuid-Template-Manager/FTM-Extension