This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

GDPR support for custom extensions

Follow this chapter to learn how the privacy features can be used in a 3rd party extension.

Basic implementation

The basic implementation enables you to have the checkbox “Record must be hidden everywhere” but without the randomization which will be explained below.

In this example, the persisted mails of EXT:powermail are extended with the privacy feature. For your custom extensions, just exchange the tablenames!

Code changes

The following 2 files need to be changed/added to your theme extension:


CREATE TABLE tx_powermail_domain_model_mail (
    gdpr_restricted tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL


$tca = \GeorgRinger\Gdpr\Service\Tca::getInstance('tx_powermail_domain_model_mail');
    ->addRestriction('gdpr_restricted') // name of the field used for the checkbox to flag records
    -add('after:disable'); // positioning of the new field

Required actions

Switch to the Install Tool and do a Database compare. After clearing all caches, everything should work out fine.


If you want to use randomization, you also need the features of the basic implementation.

In this example, the records of fe_users are extended with the privacy and randomization feature. For your custom extensions, just exchange the tablenames!

Code changes

The following 2 files need to be changed/added to your theme extension:


CREATE TABLE fe_users (
    gdpr_restricted tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    gdpr_randomized tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL


$tca = \GeorgRinger\Gdpr\Service\Tca::getInstance('fe_users');
    ->addRandomization('gdpr_randomized', [
        'dateField' => 'tstamp',
        'expirePeriod' => 360,
        'mapping' => [
            'username' => 'userName',
            'email' => 'email',
            'password' => 'password',
            'zip' => 'postcode',
            'address' => 'address',
            'city' => 'city',
            'first_name' => 'firstName',
            'last_name' => 'lastName',
            'telephone' => 'e164PhoneNumber',
            'fax' => 'e164PhoneNumber',

Randomization uses a 3rd party library called Faker and the mapping accepts any property of faker which are described in detail at

Working with the restrictions

If you implent the privacy feature into one of your extensions, you should read about the following query restrictions which are available within the GDPR extension.


This restriction is always in use and takes care about hiding records. This means that even if a code like $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()->removeAll() this restriction is still active!

If you want to work with all records, you need to explicitly remove this restriction with a code like this:

$queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder($tableName);


Use this restriction to get only those records which are marked as hidden.



This query restriction should be used if you don’t want to get those records as result which are marked as randomized. As an example: If you send newsletters to some email addresses, you should remove the randomized records as this doesn’t make sense. Furhtermore those mails could even reach real persons if those have registered the randomized email address!
