This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Description of important arraysΒΆ

Array with edit matrix

* This matrix has the following dimensions.
* First Index:     Collumns of the crossword.
* Second Index:     Rows of the crossword.
* Third Index:        for 'fieldlength' with the length of the current field
*                     and for 'directions' with the following array
*         First Index:     Direction of the text.
*         Second Index:     Side where the text is going on.
*         Value:         Length of the text in this direction.

Sample for directions array

Direction Side Length
To Bottom Top 2
To Bottom Bottom 3
To Top Top  
To Top Bottom  
To Left Left  
To Left Right  
To Right Left 3
To Right Right  

Array with the causing question matrix

For every answer box is stored which question has caused this answer letter.

* For every answer box is stored which question has caused this answer letter,
* for controlling the edit mode in the crossword.
* First Index: Collumns of the crossword.
* Second Index: Rows of the crossword.
* Third Index: Edit direction of the text. See
*                 See Constants with the prefix tx_glcrossword_box::C_INT_EDIT_DIR_*
* Value:    x => x coordinate,
*             Y => y coordinate,
*             dir => direction of the question
*              See Constants with the prefix tx_glcrossword_box_questions::C_INT_DIR_*
*             text => <Text of the question> */