This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Insert the crossword frontend plug-in

Go with the page modul to the page where you like to place your crossword. Press the button for a new element .

Then on the Plugins tab, the crossword plugin.

Choosing the crossword plugin

In the tab Plugin choose Crossword as the plugin.

Choosing the crossword plugin

If you edit this element then you can find on the plugin tab the configuration for the crossword. In the tab “Basic configurations” you can setup general options like the size of the crossword. Again you find on every title of the fields with your mouse cursor an explanation of the options.

The first part of the plugin confiration tab
The second part of the plugin confiration tab

On the tab questions you must select all questions which you have created in the section before an which belongs to this crossword.

Selected questions in the crossword configuration

Check if you already using the Bootstrap or jQuery libraries in your homepage. In this case you can deactivate this libraries in the tab “Basic configurations” to prevent double including this libraries (see troubleshooting for this issue). Be aware, that you need jQuery 3.x and Bootsstrap 3.x. With other versions you can lead into trouble.

In the end you can access your homepage and see the result. If you have any misconfiguration you get red highlighted boxes, where you can find further informations with the mouse cursor over the boxes.