This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.



Property Data type stdWrap Default
view.templateRootPath string yes EXT:glpairs/Resources/Private/Templates/
view.partialRootPath string yes EXT:glpairs/Resources/Private/Partials/
view.layoutRootPath string yes EXT:glpairs/Resources/Private/Layouts/
libraries.inlcudeJQuery boolean yes 1
libraries.includeBootstrapJs boolean yes 1
libraries.includeBootstrapCss boolean yes 1
cssFile string yes EXT:glpairs/Resources/Public/css/glpairs.css

Property details


plugin.tx_glpairs.view.templateRootPath = string

Path to the fluid templates. If you want to change them. Copy first the original templates in your own directory and then point with this parameter to this new directory.


plugin.tx_glpairs.view.partialRootPath = string

Path to the fluid partials. If you want to change them. Copy first the original partials in your own directory and then point with this parameter to this new directory.


plugin.tx_glpairs.view.layoutRootPath = string

Path to the fluid templates. If you want to change them. Copy first the original tamplates in your own directory and then point with this parameter to this new directory.


plugin.tx_glpairs.libraries.inlcudeJQuery = boolean

Activate this flag, if you want to inlcude the jQuery 3.x library shipped with this extension. If you have your own jQuery library included in your homepage, you can deactivate this flag. Keep in mind, that you use always jQuery 3.x. Other versions could break this extension.


plugin.tx_glpairs.libraries.includeBootstrapJs = boolean

Activate this flag, if you want to inlcude the Bootstrap 3.x library shipped with this extension. If you have your own Bootstrap library included in your homepage, you can deactivate this flag. Keep in mind, that you use always Bootstrap 3.x. Other versions could break this extension.


plugin.tx_glpairs.libraries.includeBootstrapCss = boolean

Activate this flag, if you want to inlcude the Bootstrap CSS content file shipped with this extension. If you have your own Bootstrap library with CSS file included in your homepage, you can deactivate this flag. Keep in mind, that you use always Bootstrap 3.x. Other versions could break this extension.


plugin.tx_glpairs.cssFile = string

Path to the CSS content file for glpairs. If you want to edit this file. Copy this file in your own directory and change this parameter to this directory. Then you can change the file in this new directory.