This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Attention! Since version 2.0.0 you need to include a static template. Please take sure to include this template like in the chapter Configuration described.

This is a plugin to provide a pairs game. The extension is very flexible. You are able to adjust the size of every single card or of the whole pairs game. So you can do with the fontsize if you are in a text mode. The frontend is a interactive javascript user interface, which should be generally self-explanatory.

You are able to configure a wide range of pairs games.

  • The standard is a pairs game where one pair is always the same picture.
  • You are also able to configure a pairs game, where one pair are two similar pictures. (i.e. two

cats or two dogs) - The third possibility is to configure a pairs game, where one pair is a picture and a textcard. On the textcard is a description of the picture (i.e. a picture of a cat and a text card with the description “cat” or “Katze” if you like to learn german with it) - The last posibility is to configure a pairs game with two text cards. Usually you should use two different languages on both textcards. This is also a good possibility to learn foreign languages. (i.e. a text card with the description “dog” and a text card with the description “Hund”)

A pairs game with the picture to text pairs type.

Pairs game

For all this type of games you are able to provide them in a split mode. In this mode is the fist card of the pair always in the upper area and the second card in the lower area. For every turn you need to choose one card of the upper and one card of the lower area.

Pairs game in split mode

The whole game supports on the frontend and on the backend different languages. Currently it is configured with the english language as default and with german.

All language labels for the frontend are stored in the file typo3confextglpairsResourcesPrivateLanguagelocallang.xml. This labels can be overruled with typoscript like this. = Punkte changed from typoscript

The fluid_list_points is one of the labels of the locallang.xml file.

Pairs game with the same pictures with split mode and without split mode.

image-7 image-10

Pairs game with two similar pictures with split mode and without split mode.

image-6 image-3

Pairs game with picture to text card with split mode and without split mode.

image-4 image-5

Pairs game only with text cards with split mode and without split mode.

image-17 image-15