This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


It is a typo3 extension for responsive slider. You can just add this extension simply in your folder structure like this, typo3conf/ext/gooseslider.

And you have to just add the gooseslider plugin settings in your setup typoscript of your main template something like below.




plugin.tx_gooseslider_pi1 {
        img.file.width = 1920c //Image width in slider
        img.file.height = 348c //Image height in slider
        img.altText=my slider 
        img.titleText=my website

We are depending on and I am thanking them here for opensource js&css files. For more information regarding latest JS & CSS, just visit their website.

As we are depending on Responsive CSS & JS files, we have to add those files too in your typoscript or add it via composer(if you use composer).


Include CSS & JS


  includeCSS {
    file_10 = typo3conf/ext/gooseslider/res/responsiveslides.css
  includeJSFooter {
    responsiveslides = typo3conf/ext/gooseslider/res/responsiveslides.min.js

Then simply use this one line typoscript to access the slider in page(which page slider need to shown/globally) typoscript like,



############################################################## slider < plugin.tx_gooseslider_pi1

Also you can use various slider sizes based on page such as like,

   [globalVar = TSFE:id = (youpageid here)]
      slider.img.file.height = 348c //same width too

Then access this variable 'slider' in your html fluid template like below,


Done. Feel free to write me,

Fork my Github project here: