.. You may want to use the usual include line. Uncomment and adjust the path. .. include:: ../Includes.txt ========================= EXT: Page Template Editor ========================= :Author: Kasper Skårhøj :Created: 2002-11-01T00:32:00 :Changed: 2005-01-12T13:27:24 :Author: Stefan Hafeneger :Email: hafeneger@gst-im.de :Info 3: :Info 4: .. _EXT-Page-Template-Editor: EXT: Page Template Editor ========================= Extension Key: **gst\_pte** Copyright 2004-2005, Stefan Hafeneger, This document is published under the Open Content License available from http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml The content of this document is related to TYPO3 \- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from www.typo3.com .. _Table-of-Contents: Table of Contents ----------------- **EXT: My Extension 1** **Introduction 1** What does it do? 1 Screenshots 1 **Users manual 1** FAQ 1 **Adminstration 1** FAQ 2 **Configuration 2** FAQ 2 Reference 2 **Tutorial 2** **Known problems 2** **To-Do list 2** **Changelog 2** .. _Introduction: Introduction ------------ .. _What-does-it-do: What does it do? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \- Overview; What does it do? What problem is solved? Who is interested in this? Brief technical insight. Basically everything people need to know if they should go on with this extension. .. _Screenshots: Screenshots ^^^^^^^^^^^ \- Screenshots are very much welcome for a visual impression. \- This section will have a link in the EM, so therefore it's very important that it conveys this message. \- Target group: Mostly Developers and administrators, but should be a non-technical and visual presentation. \- This section is **required** and in some cases it basically tells it all. .. _Users-manual: Users manual ------------ \- Documentation of how to use the extension, how it works, how to apply it if it's a website plugin. A *user* manual. \- Language should be non-technical, explaining, using small examples. \- Examples: For the "News" plugin this would be a manual showing how to create the news-items, explaining the options etc. \- Target group: Users, Administrators or Developers in that priority. Depends on the extension. .. _FAQ: FAQ ^^^ \- Possible subsections: FAQ .. _Adminstration: Adminstration ------------- \- Describes how to manage the extension from a superuser point of view. That relates to Page/User TSconfig, permissions, configuration etc. which administrator level users have access to. \- language should be non/semi-technical, explaining, using small examples. \- Target group: Administrators .. _FAQ: FAQ ^^^ \- Possible subsections: FAQ .. _Configuration: Configuration ------------- \- Technical information; Installation, Reference of TypoScript, configuration options on system level, how to extend it, the technical details, how to debug it. \- language should be technical, assuming developer knowledge of TYPO3. Small examples/visuals are always encouraged. \- Target group: Developers .. _FAQ: FAQ ^^^ \- Possible subsections: FAQ .. _Subheadlines: Subheadlines """""""""""" You can produce subheadlines in a section using “Heading 4” or “Heading 5” (normally used for “Examples”) .. _Reference: Reference ^^^^^^^^^ \- Possible subsections: Reference (TypoScript) .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. _allWrap-stdWrap: allWrap /+stdWrap """"""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property allWrap /+stdWrap Data type wrap Description Wraps the whole item Default .. _wrapItemAndSub: wrapItemAndSub """""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property wrapItemAndSub Data type wrap Description Wraps the whole item and any submenu concatenated to it. Default .. _subst-elementUid: subst\_elementUid """"""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property subst\_elementUid Data type boolean Description If set, all appearances of the string '{elementUid}' in the total element html-code (after wrapped in .allWrap} is substituted with the uid number of the menu item. This is useful if you want to insert an identification code in the HTML in order to manipulate properties with JavaScript. Default .. _RO-chBgColor: RO\_chBgColor """"""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property RO\_chBgColor Data type string Description If property RO is set (see below) then you can set this property to a certain set of parameters which will allow you to change the background color of eg. the tablecell when the mouse rolls over you text-link. **Syntax:** :: [over-color] | [out-color] | [id-prefix] **Example:** :: page = PAGE page.typeNum = 0 page.10 = HMENU page.10.wrap = |
page.10.1 = TMENU page.10.1.NO { allWrap = | subst_elementUid = 1 RO_chBgColor = #cccccc | #eeeeee | 1tmenu RO = 1 } This example will start out with the table cells in #eeeeee and change them to #cccccc (and back) when rolled over. The “1tmenu” string is a unique id for the menu items. You may not need it (unless the same menu items are more than once on a page), but the important thing is that the id of the table cell has the exact same label before the {elementUid} (red marks). The other important thing is that you DO set a default background color for the cell with the style-attribute (blue marking). If you do not, Mozilla browsers will behave a little strange by not capturing the mouseout event the first time it's triggered. Default .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [tsref:(cObject).TEST] .. _generated: ((generated)) """"""""""""" .. _Example: Example ~~~~~~~ Here you would show an example of the stuff from the reference or so: :: page = PAGE page.typeNum = 0 page.10 = TEXT page.10.value = HELLO WORLD .. _Tutorial: Tutorial -------- \- A full point-a-to-b-to-c walk-through of an application of the extension. Include screendumps. \- Language: As tutorials are... \- Target group: Whatever fits. .. _Known-problems: Known problems -------------- \- Use this section for important warnings about bugs, problems or performance issues. This is where you should explain shortcomings of the extension, so people are properly warned. Be honest. \- Target group: Mostly Developers .. _To-Do-list: To-Do list ---------- \- A wish list of things you want to add or fix. This includes smaller problems/bugs which are best described as a todo item. \- Visions for what the extension could become with more development. .. _Changelog: Changelog --------- \- Use this sections to document all the changes through the versions. |img-1| EXT: Page Template Editor - 3 .. ######CUTTER_MARK_IMAGES###### .. |img-1| image:: img-1.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 32 .. :id: Graphic1 .. :name: Graphic1 .. :width: 102