This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Typo3 Custom ck_editor Config

What does it do?

This extension allows the custom configuration of the ck_editor. It specifies required files and directories in the fileadmin folder. There you can modify them.

Or use it to build your own ext. ;)

Now you can change the path of the yaml file: Go to the extension manager search for the extension "hh_ckeditor_custom" and click on the "gear-wheel" of the extension.


The extension needs to be installed as any other extension of TYPO3 CMS:

  1. Switch to the module “Extension Manager”.

  2. Get the extension

    • Get it from the Extension Manager: Press the Retrieve/Update button and search for the extension key hh_ckeditor_custom and import the extension from the repository.
    • Get it from You can always get current version from _ by downloading either the t3x or zip version. Upload the file afterwards in the Extension Manager.
    • Latest version from git
  3. Preparation: Include static TypoScript (to include the css file in the frontend) The extension ships some TypoScript code which needs to be included.

    • Switch to the root page of your site.
    • Switch to the Template module and select Info/Modify.
    • Press the link Edit the whole template record and switch to the tab Includes.
    • Select hh Custom ck_editor Config (hh_ckeditor_custom) at the field Include static (from extensions):

    or add the custom_ckeditor.css in your own TypoScript config if you want.

  4. Preparation: Include Page Config

    • Switch to the root page of your site.
    • Edit page properties
    • Switch to tab Resources
    • Select HH ckeditor custom config (hh_ckeditor_custom)

    or add the rte.preset to your PageTS: RTE.default.preset = hh_custom_ckeditor

Known Issues

  • none so far